I/O trace record

GTF builds an I/O record when an I/O interruption occurs and TRACE=SYSM, TRACE=SYS, TRACE=IO, or TRACE=IOP are the GTF options in effect. To trace PCI I/O interruptions, TRACE=PCI must also be in effect.

The FID for the I/O trace record is X'07'. The EID is one of the following:
Offset Size Description
0 (0) 4 ASCB.
4 (4) 2 CPUID.
6 (6) 8 Jobname.
14 (E) 2 Device number.
16 (10) 16 I/O old PSW.
32 (20) 20 IRB words 0-4.
52 (34) 4 TCB.
56 (38) 2 Sense bytes.
58 (3A) 1 IOSB Flag (IOSFLA).
59 (3B) 1 IOSB Option (IOSOPT).
60 (3C) 1 IOS Driver ID.
61 (3D) 1 IOS level.
62 (3E) 1 UCB level.
63 (3F) 1 Flags (UCBGWT).
64 (40) 2 Base device number.
66 (42) 44 IRB words 5–15 (for EID X'5201' only).