Unformatted GFS trace output

Layout of the GFS trace output shows unformatted GFS trace output as it would appear in the trace data set where GTF puts the output. You can use this information to write your own formatting or analysis routines.

Layout of the GFS trace output

 Unformatted GFS Trace Output

 Part 1 - This part is in every GFS trace entry.

 Offset  Length  Description
     0      1    Flags
                 X'80' - Common storage
                 X'40' - Caller's registers are traced
                 X'20' - This is a subpool release range entry
                 X'10' - Copy of VSWKOWNINFO
     1      1    Actual subpool after translation
     2      2    ASID which owns the storage
     4      4    Address of storage area
     8      4    Actual length of storage area
     C      4    Address of TCB
    10      1    Copy of VSWKSKEY
    11      1    Copy of VSWKRC
    12      1    Modification level number  X'01' - HBB6606
                                            X'02' - HBB7703
                                            X'03' - HBB7730
    13      1    Reserved
    14      2    Offset of Part 2
    16      2    Offset of Part 3
 Part 2 - This part is in every GRS trace entry except for subpool
          release range entries.

 Offset  Length  Description
     0      4    Caller's return address
     4      4    Minimum length for a variable request
     8      4    Maximum length for a variable request
     C      8    Name of job which owns the storage
    14      8    Name of job which contained the program which
                 requested the storage
    1C      2    ASID which contained the program which
                 requested the storage
    1E      1    Copy of VSWKESPL
    1F      1    Copy of VSWKSVC
    20      1    Copy of VSWKRFLG
    21      1    Copy of VSWKPFLG
    22      1    Copy of VSWKFLGS
    23      1    Copy of VSWKRFLG2
    24      4    Copy of VswkRetAddrHigh
    28      4    Copy of VswkAR15Value
    2C      4    Copy of VswkAR1Value
Part 3 - This part is in the GFS trace record if the caller's registers are traced.   
Offset  Length  Description
     0    X'40'  Caller's registers 0-15  
Note: The IGVVSMWK macro contains field names beginning with VSWK. For more information, see z/OS® MVS™ Data Areas in z/OS Internet library.