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The generic tracker facility

The intended purpose of generic tracker is to be a migration aid and to help assess exploitation of old and new function. For example, you can assess use of interfaces you intend to make obsolete, and assess exploitation of old and new function in general. For functions that are already obsolete in a new release, you can use generic tracker to assess their use on previous releases.

The generic tracker Facility is a tracking facility that provides theses services.

The generic tracker Facility replaces the Console Tracking Facility, which was available in releases before z/OS® V2R1. The Console Tracking Facility operator commands are available only in releases before z/OSV2R1. Macro CNZTRKR continues to be supported, but the recommendation is to use macro GTZTRACK instead. Any information CNZTRKR collects is stored in the new tracking facility. Do not continue touse service CNZTRKR. When possible, replace existing CNZTRKR invocations with GTZTRACK invocations.

The generic tracker consists of the following parts:

The generic tracker is a system address space that starts automatically during the IPL of the system. A restart is not required or recommended unless it is explicitly requested, for example to apply service. The source of the IBM® supplied started procedure GTZ can be modified to configure the MEMLIMIT, which determines how much information the tracking facility can store.

Actual tracking (that is, recording track events) is disabled by default. When tracking is disabled, invocations of GTZTRACK are allowed, but ignored by the system. Use the SETGTZ TRACKING=ON operator command to enable tracking.

Before you enable tracking and allow the tracking facility to store data and report it back to the users, consider protecting the DISPLAY GTZ and SETGTZ operator commands. As mentioned in z/OS MVS System Commands, these GTZ commands can be protected by RACF® resource profiles for the OPERCMDS class. The security administrator can for example take the following steps to give a user profile access to the MVS™.SETGTZ.GTZ resource:
  1. Ensure that the OPERCMDS class is active:
  2. Create the MVS.SETGTZ.GTZ resource profile and require explicit access to be given:
  3. Grant individual access to the resource:
  4. Refresh the OPERCMDS class to activate the changes:

All SETGTZ operator commands can be used in GTZPRMxx parmlib members. For example, you can put a TRACKING=ON statement into a GTZPRMxx parmlib member.

System parameter GTZ can be set to one or more suffixes, which identify the GTZPRMxx parmlib members that the tracking facility must process at startup. See the description of system parameter GTZ in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference. It contains requirements and details on how to grant the tracking facility permission to access the parmlib members at start-up. If you do not specify system parameter GTZ, or specify PARM='GTZPRM=*NONE' in procedure GTZ, the tracking facility will start without reading any parmlib members initially.

You can add more GTZPRMxx parmlib members later with the operator command SET GTZ.

You can use the SETGTZ CLEAR operator command to remove configuration data previously added via GTZPRMxx members and to remove previously recorded track data.

To prevent certain “known” track events from recording any data, you can add EXCLUDE statements. The tracking facility will ignore any future track data that matches such EXCLUDE filters and it will remove any matching previously recorded track data. Typically EXCLUDE statements are provided in GTZPRMxx parmlib members and can be specified via the SETGTZ EXCLUDE operator command as well.

A standard list of EXCLUDE statements for known track events is shipped in parmlib member GTZPRM00. You can download it from the z/OS Downloads website, It is recommended that you use the GTZPRMxx parmlib member as is and enable it by default by adding the 00 suffix to the system parameter GTZ in IEASYSxx using GTZ=(00,<your suffixes>). Keeping GTZPRM00 separate allows for easier updates when z/OS releases a new GTZPRM00 version. More GTZPRMxx parmlib members would then have any additional EXCLUDEs and for example a TRACKING=ON, if wanted.

If you used the Console Tracking Facility and its CNIDTRxx parmlib members for exclusion lists before, you can use the GTZCNIDT utility program to create GTZPRMxx parmlib members from existing CNIDTRxx parmlib members. The sample JCL GTZCNIDJ explains how to start GTZCNIDT.

A unique tracked event is identified by the following fields, which are referenced by the EXCLUDE filters. The tracking facility increments an associated occurrence count if a GTZTRACK call results in an identical set of unique fields:

For events that are difficult to track, where the program name cannot be determined by the system from the passed in event address, you can define DEBUG filters using the SETGTZ DEBUG operator command or in a GTZPRMxx parmlib member. The DEBUG statement allows for example to trigger a non-percolating ABEND, code E77, with custom reason codes, that you can define SLIP traps for to collect dumps

You can use the DISPLAY GTZ operator command to display:

Using the utility program GTZPRINT, you can collect information in a data set instead of reading it on the console or in the system LOG. The sample JCL GTZPRNTJ explains how to use GTZPRINT.

Here are some typical scenarios

References for IBM tracked events

  • Event description starting with SMS-
  • Event description 'IEFALC 01: <step name> <DD name>’
    • See message IEF384I “WARNING: VOLUME NOT RETRIEVED FROM catalog”.
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