Dump tailoring options

You can specify the dump tailoring options in one or all of the following ways:
Following is a list of the dump tailoring options you can specify. For a complete explanation of the options, see Explanation of dump tailoring options.
{dump-spec-list|SET MINASID{ALL|PHYSIN}|ADDSUMM addsumm-spec-list|LIST|END}
dump-spec-list is one or more of the following:
addsumm-spec-list is the following:
Use the following guidelines when specifying values in your dump tailoring options:

Keywords, such as DATASPACES, can be truncated on the right, provided the truncated form is not ambiguous. You can enter letters in either lower-case or uppercase. Blanks can be inserted between numbers, keywords, and separators; blanks cannot be inserted within numbers or keywords.