Alphabetical map

The  C  alphabetical map displays label definitions, part definitions, control sections and element definitions (except ER and PR) in alphabetical sequence, two print lines per ESD entry. It contains all of the same information as the Numerical Map, but in a different sequence. This part always begins on a new page, with a standard page heading of ALPHABETICAL MAP OF PROGRAM OBJECT .....

The first detail line contains the label, section or common name.

The second detail line consists of the class offset, the element offset (type LD/PD records) or element definition length (all other types), the class name (name of the containing class), and the name of the containing section/element (type LD/PD records) or the ESD entry type (all other types). Element lengths are indented, to distinguish them from element offsets. If the module is in overlay format, the segment number is printed to the right of the section length.

Note: There is no preset order in which entries with identical names are output.