SYSXES component trace

Before Using This component trace

The following summarizes information for requesting a SYSXES component trace for cross-system extended services (XES).

Information For SYSXES:
Parmlib member CTnXESxx; default member: CTIXES00 specified in COUPLE00 member
Default tracing Yes; minimal; unexpected events
Trace request OPTIONS parameter In CTnXESxx or REPLY for TRACE command
  • Default:
    • 336KB for connector-related SUB trace buffers. There are multiple instances of these trace buffers in use on the system
    • 16M for the GLOBAL SUB trace buffer
  • Range:
    • 16KB - 16MB for connector-related SUB trace buffers
    • The size for the GLOBAL SUB trace buffer cannot be changed.
  • Size set by: CTnXESxx member or TRACE CT command
  • Change size after IPL: Yes
  • Location: Data space. In the REPLY for the DUMP command, specify SDATA=XESDATA and DSPNAME=(asid.IXLCTCAD) where asid is the ASID for address space XCFAS
Trace records location Data-space buffer, trace data set
Request of SVC dump By DUMP or SLIP command
Trace formatting by IPCS CTRACE COMP(SYSXES)
Trace format OPTIONS parameter Yes

SYSXES supports sublevel tracing. Tracing options are inherited through a hierarchy of trace levels. If you set trace options without specifying a sublevel, the options apply at the highest level, or head, of the hierarchy. A sublevel inherits its trace options from the next higher level, unless options are specified explicitly for the sublevel. If you set trace options for a sublevel, the options are inherited by any sublevels lower in the hierarchy. Figure 1 shows the hierarchical structure of SYSXES traces.

Figure 1. SYSXES SUB Trace Structure
                  │SYSXES head      │
        ┌─────────┤    options      ├─────────┐
        │         └─────────────────┘         │
        ↓                                     ↓
┌────────────────┐               ┌──────────────────────┐
│                │               │                      │
│     GLOBAL     │        ┌──────┤      STRUCTURE       │
│   sublevel     │        │      │      sublevel        │
│                │        │      │                      │
└────────────────┘        │      └────────────┬─────────┘
        |                 │                   │
        |                 ↓                   ↓
        |            ┌─────────┐    ┌──────────────────────┐
        |            │         │    │                      │
        |            │ ADDRESS │    │   ADDRESS SPACE      │
        |            │  SPACE  │    │      sublevel        ├──────────┐
        |            │         │    │                      │          │
        |            └────┬────┘    └───────────┬──────────┘          │
        |                 │                     │                     │
        |                 ↓                     ↓                     ↓
        |           ┌───────────┐     ┌────────────────────┐    ┌───────────┐
        |           │           │     │                    │    │           │
        |           │ Connector │     │     Connection     │    │ Connector │
        |           │           │     │     sublevel       │    │           │
        |           │           │     │                    │    │           │
        |           └───────────┘     └────────────────────┘    └───────────┘
        |                                      |
        |                                      |
        |                                      |
  Non-connection                          Connection
     tracing                               tracing
Two classes of sublevel traces inherit the head trace options: