SYSJES component trace

Before using this component trace

The following summarizes information for requesting a SYSJES component trace for the JES common coupling services component, also known as JES XCF.

Information For SYSJES:
Parmlib member CTnJESxx. Default members: CTIJES01, CTIJES02, CTIJES03, CTIJES04
Default tracing Yes; detailed tracing for sublevel FLOW; minimal tracing of unexpected events for sublevels MSGTRC, USRXIT, XCFEVT
Trace request OPTIONS parameter None
  • Default: N/A
  • Range: N/A
  • Size set by: MVS™ system
  • Change size after IPL: No
  • Location: In the component address space
Trace records location Address-space buffer, trace data set
Request of SVC dump By the component
Trace formatting by IPCS CTRACE COMP(SYSJES)
Trace format OPTIONS parameter Yes
Note: To get a complete dump for JES XCF, request also the JES and JES XCF address spaces and data spaces, plus SDATA options RGN, SQA, and CSA.
SYSJES tracing is started during initialization. SYSJES contains 4 sublevel traces, which run concurrently. Each sublevel must be started individually. The sublevels are:

Tracing for SYSJES can run all 4 sublevels concurrently. USRXIT and MSGTRC trace only error events by default; you can turn on detailed tracing for these two sublevels.