Output from a SYSAXR Variables Trace

Each trace record has a header associated with it, as Figure 1 shows. This header is consistent among ALL trace records, although not all fields are filled in (for example, there is no TracePrefixReqToken for command processing).
Note: This is NOT an interface and should only be used for diagnostic purposes.
Figure 1. SYSAXR variables trace record header
TracePrefixType                    DS   OD
TracePrefixASID                    DS   H   Primary ASID when trace record cut
TracePrefixAXREXXInvokersASID      DS   H   Primary ASID when AXREXX invoked
TracePrefixJobname                 DS   D   Jobname when trace record cut
TracePrefixAXREXXInvokersJobname   DS   D   Jobname when AXREXX was invoked
TracePrefixTcb@                    DS   A   TCB Address when AXREXX was invoked
TracePrefixExecName                DS   D   REXX exec name
TracePrefixAXREXXInvokersHomeAsid  DS   A   Home ASID when AXREXX was invoked
                                   DS   CL2 Reserved
TracePrefixReqToken                DS   4F  Trace request token type
The following shows the formatted IPCS output produced from the CTRACE COMP(SYSAXR) subcommand after running a REXX exec invoked using the AXREXX programming interface with the CTRACE REXXVARS option enabled.
SY1       REXXVARS  04130D06  20:40:59.969289  REXX VAR NAME   
   00330032  C1E7D9D4  C1C9D540  C1E7D9D4  | ....AXRMAIN AXRM |
   C1C9D540  006EAE88  C8C1D9D9  C9E2E540  | AIN .>.hHARRISV  |
   00320000  00005000  00000001  BF8C7970  | ......&.......`. |
   95690DB8  00000001  D4E8E5C1  D94BF1    | n.......MYVAR.1  |
The 1st 4 bytes following the header contains the index of the variable in the variable list (AXRArgLst). The remainder of the trace entry contains the value of the variable name.
SY1       REXXVARS  04130D02  20:40:59.969292  REXX VAR BEFORE EXEC
   00330032  C1E7D9D4  C1C9D540  C1E7D9D4  | ....AXRMAIN AXRM |    
   C1C9D540  006EAE88  C8C1D9D9  C9E2E540  | AIN .>.hHARRISV  |    
   00320000  00005000  00000001  BF8C7970  | ......&.......`. |    
   95690DB8  00000001  0000000B  40404040  | n...........     |    
   40404040  4040F1                        |       1          |    

The 1st 4 bytes following the header contains the index of the variable in the variable list (AXRArgLst). The next 4 bytes contain the length of the value. The remainder contains the value of the variable on input to the exec.

SY1       REXXVARS  04140D04  22:01:15.525516  REXX VAR AFTER EXEC
   00150032  C1E7D9D4  C1C9D540  C1E7D9D4  | ....AXRMAIN AXRM |   
   C1C9D540  006EAE88  C8C1D9D9  C9E2E540  | AIN .>.hHARRISV  |   
   00320000  00005000  00000000  BF8C8B61  | ......&......../ |   
   09A8845A  00000001  00000003  F1F0F1    | .yd!........101  |   

The 1st 4 bytes following the header contains the index of the variable in the variable list (AXRArgLst). The next 4 bytes should contain the length of the output. The next set of bytes should contain the output variable. If the result was truncated it will contain the truncated result.

The input/output variable contained 1 on entry to the exec and its final value when the exec completed was 101.