Numerical cross-reference

The  B  numerical cross-reference listing contains one entry for each RLD record in the module, presented in sequence by the hexadecimal class offset of the related address constant. There is one RLD record for each A-, V-, and Q-type address constant in the module, and one RLD record for each class reference (RLD type=21), class length (CXD), or loader token.

Each entry consists of one line that is described as follows:

 1  The first part of the line describes the adcon itself, showing the class and element offsets, in hex, and the name of the section (FROM SECTION) containing the adcon. Because all adcons must reside within a section, there will always be either a user-defined section name or a representation of the binder-generated name, such as $PRIV000001 or $BLANKCOM.

 2  The second part of the line describes the referenced, or target, symbol. It contains the name of the referenced symbol (REFERS TO SYMBOL), the class and element offsets of the referenced label/part or section/element definition, and the class name of the referenced class name, if the reference is resolved, or one of the following constants:

If the RLD item is for a class offset or class length, the constant string $CLASS_OFFSET or $CLASS_LEN will appear in place of a name.

 3  The third part of the line will be blank except for resolved A-type and V-type address constants and displays the containing section name (IN SECTION). If the target section does not have a name, then a representation of the binder-generated name ($PRIV000005, $BLANKCOM) will be printed. If the target name in the second part of the line matches the containing section name, the containing section name will not be printed, since it would provide no additional information.

The last, or only, segment cross-reference will be followed by the length of the program object:
If no RLD available in a class, the following message will appear instead of the formatted detail: