Numerical map

The  A  Numerical Map prints one line for each defined element definition, part, or control section in the composite ESD. The detail line contains the class offset (in hex), either a section offset for (labels/parts) or a length (for control sections element definitions), the ESD record type, alignment (for LD/PD record type), and the label/part, section or element definition name. Sections generated by the binder, or binder-generated names for unnamed user sections, will be displayed as: All other entries will contain a valid name, assigned by the user for a label/part, a control section/element definition or named common. For label (LD) or part (PD) type ESD entries, the class offset and label/part name will be indented to show that the label/part is contained within the previous section entry.
If the module is in overlay format, the map and cross-reference will alternate for each segment. In this case, the map will begin with a segment identifier line:
    SEG. nnnnn ----------------------------------------------------
and will end with a segment length line:

The numerical map is functionally equivalent to the load map produced by the linkage editor or binder.