Obtaining ABEND dumps

You can obtain SYSABEND, SYSUDUMP, and SYSMDUMP dumps using one process. To obtain a specific type of ABEND dump, specify the correct DD statement in your JCL as shown in Table 1; for more information about these statements, see z/OS MVS JCL Reference:
Table 1. Summary: DD statements to specify for specific ABEND dumps
Dump Type DD statement

Provide a data set to receive the dump, then arrange to view the dump. If a data set is not provided, the system ignores a request for an ABEND dump. When setting up the data set, determine if it will contain privileged data. If so, protect it with passwords or other security measures to limit access to it.

Because ABEND dumps provide information to debug application programs, the data they have access to is limited. Authorized programs require special processing to allow the information they can access into a dump. ABEND dump processing issues an IEA848I message when violations occur. The primary facility for dumping authorized data is through the SDUMPX macro, however, two security FACILITY classes are provided that allow installations to permit ABEND dumps to contain authorized data:
For access to programs that are protected by the PROGRAM facility.
For programs that execute in authorized keys.
See z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide for additional details. For details on the SDUMPX macro, see