The activity report

To create an activity report, issue a REPORT ACTIVITY command. For the syntax of this command, see page REPORT ACTIVITY. The report contains information about the activation and deactivation of additional capacity that was initiated by the Provisioning Manager based on the policy and workload status.

This activity is displayed in reverse chronological order, with the latest actions displayed at the top of the list, so that when the list is truncated, only the oldest data is not displayed. Activation and deactivation are processed asynchronously by the CPC. The activity report may also show whether failures to activations and deactivations have been detected and whether manually activated capacity has been passed to the Provisioning Manager management.

The reported information includes:

An example of an activity report is:

CPO1042I Activity report generated at 01/17/2013 08:45
Number of activities between 11/14/2012 and 01/17/2013 was 3
Deactivation for CPC SAMPCPC at 01/16/2013 21:26:29
    Deactivation to model 505, 0 zAAPs, 0 zIIPs
    Active resources before deactivation: model 506, 0 zAAPs, 0 zIIPs
Activation for CPC SAMPCPC at 01/16/2013 17:26:25
    Activation of model 506, 0 zAAPs and 0 zIIPs
    Active resources before activation: model 505, 0 zAAPs, 0 zIIPs
    Inducing policy element is policy EXAMPLE, rule SAMPRULE,
        provisioning condition SAMPCS, time condition SAMPTIME
    Inducing system is SYSTEM1 in sysplex SYSPLEX
    Inducing workload is WLM service definition SAMPLESD,
        policy SAMPLEP, service class period SAMPSC.1
Activation for LPAR IRD6 on CPC P35 at 01/16/2013 08:35:03     
    Activation of 100 MSU                                       
    Capacity after activation: 1000 MSU                         
    Capacity before activation: 900 MSU                         
    Inducing policy element is policy EXAMPLE, rule SAMPRULE, 
            provisioning condition SAMPCS2, time condition SAMPTIME
    Inducing system is SYSTEM1 in sysplex SYSPLEX
    Inducing workload is WLM service definition SAMPLESD,      
            policy SAMPLEP, service class period SAMPSC.1