z/OS Batch Runtime Planning and User's Guide
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Sample BCDIN File

z/OS Batch Runtime Planning and User's Guide

Figure 1 shows an example file that contains additional details and explanations. You can modify the sample as needed for individual jobs at your installation.

Figure 1. Example: JCL BCDIN configuration options (Part 1 of 2)
//*                                                                   *
//*            Batch Runtime Options                                  *
//*                                                                   *
//* Syntax rules for specifying options:                              *
//*                                                                   *
//*   1. Options are specified in keyword=value format.               *
//*                                                                   *
//*   2. Options are coded using columns 1-71.                        *
//*                                                                   *
//*      Long options may be continued by coding a non-blank          *
//*      character in column 72 and continuing on the next line.      *
//*                                                                   *
//*   3. Comment lines contain a # in column 1.                       *
//*                                                                   *
//*   4. Blank lines are ignored.                                     *
//*                                                                   *
//*   5. Option names are case sensitive.                             *
//*                                                                   *
//*   6. When the same option is specified more than once,            *
//*      the last occurrence of the option is used.                   *
//*                                                                   *
# 1 
# UPDATE: Uncomment the option corresponding to the language of
#         the application being launched
# 2 
# UPDATE: The program name or fully qualified Java class name
#         of the application to be launched
Figure 2. Example: JCL BCDIN configuration options (Part 2 of 2)
# 3 
# UPDATE: Arguments to be passed to the launched application.
#         For Java applications, any number of arguments can be used.
#         Each argument is passed as an element of the initial
#         args array passed to the main method.
#         For COBOL applications, a single argument with a maximum
#         length of 100 characters can be used.
#bcd.applicationArgs.1=Java argument element 1
#bcd.applicationArgs.2=Java argument element 2
#bcd.applicationArgs.3=Java argument element 3
#bcd.applicationArgs.1=COBOL single argument up to 100 characters
# 4 
# REQUIRED UPDATE: Support class names used to manage transactions.
#         For the DB2 JDBC driver, replace with the correct statement 
#         for your installation.
#         If your application uses DB2 for z/OS, you MUST uncomment 
#         this statement.
#         NOTE: A bcd.supportClass.1=class_name must be specified. 
#         If you use the one provided by DB2, the DB2-related .jar 
#         files and executables must be on the CLASSPATH and LIBPATH, 
#         respectively.
# 5 
# UPDATE: Verbose mode for additional diagnostics (default is false).

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