Start of change
The amount of storage-class memory (SCM) assigned to one or more coupling facility structures is not consistent with the value specified on the SCMMAXSIZE keyword in the CFRM policy.



A check exception is raised when a CFRM policy structure definition specifies SCMMAXSIZE, but the maximum storage-class memory assigned to the structure by the coupling facility (CF) is less than the policy specified SCMMAXSIZE. It is recommended that the actual amount of SCM available to an allocated structure be equal to the CFRM policy SCMMAXSIZE value. Coupling facility and structure related configuration definitions such as total coupling facility storage-class memory and maximum structure size (SIZE keyword on the CFRM policy structure definition) may limit the amount of SCM that a coupling facility makes available to an individual structure.

Message IXCH0926I in the message buffer lists the amount of SCM requested to be available to a structure as defined by the SCMMAXSIZE keyword in the active CFRM policy and the effective maximum amount of SCM that a coupling facility will make eligible to be assigned to a structure.

System action

The system continues processing.

Operator response

Report this problem to the system programmer.

System programmer response

The maximum SCM assigned to a structure at structure allocation time by the coupling facility is equal to the minimum of:
  • SCMMAXSIZE specified for the structure rounded up to the nearest integral multiple of the SCM storage increment for the coupling facility model.
  • The total storage-class memory for the coupling facility.
  • The difference between 4G - 1 and the maximum structure structure size (SIZE), rounded down to the nearest integral multiple of the SCM storage increment for the coupling facility model.

If the SCMMAXSIZE specified for the structure exceeds the total storage-class memory for the coupling facility, re-allocate the structure in a coupling facility with more storage-class memory if more SCM is needed by the structure. Otherwise change the CFRM policy structure definition statement and re-allocate the structure to have the policy change take effect.

Determine the maximum structure size (determined by the SIZE specification in the active CFRM policy). The maximum SCM assigned to a structure is limited by the effective maximum structure size. The sum of the maximum structure size and SCMMAXSIZE expressed as 4K block units can not exceed 4G - 1 (4,294,967,295). Adjust the effective maximum structure size or SCMMAXSIZE values accordingly and re-allocate the structure.

Problem determination



Cross System Coupling Facility (SCXCF)



Routing code

See Note 35.

Descriptor code

3 is the default set by this check. See Note 1.

End of change