UNABLE TO RENAME LOGSTREAM logstream STAGING DATA SET dsnhlq.dsnlsn.dsnllq TO NEW NAME dsnhlq.dsnlsnn.dsnllq IDCAMS request SERVICE ERROR RETCODE: retcode, RSNCODE: rsncode


The system issues this message when system logger is attempting to rename an existing log stream staging data set, but encountered an error. If the RETCODE is 4 and the RSNCODE is "D3D6C7D9"X ("LOGR"C), IDCAMS returned information about the LISTCAT request, but system logger could not identify the DATA entry for the staging data set name.

In the message text:
is the log stream being updated.
is the high level qualifier of the log stream data set name.
is the current log stream name qualifier portion of the log stream data set name.
is the low level qualifier of the log stream data set name.
is the new log stream name qualifier portion of the log stream data set name.
One of the following:
Alter request to update data set name.
The return code from the Service
The reason code from the Service

System action

System logger continues with the UPDATE LOGSTREAM NEWSTREAMNAME request which will complete with a return code 4, and a reason code "418" (see IxgRsnCodeUpdateNewnameWarning in IXGCON macro).

Operator response

Notify the System Programmer

System programmer response

Check for any IXG251I hard-copy messages and see the system programmer response for the message identifier that is included in message IXG251I. See z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands for information about IDCAMS ALTER. If a staging data set is migrated, the IXG251I messages might indicate that the data set is a "NONVSAM" type entry for the cluster. Migrated staging data sets for the log stream should first be recalled before submitting the NEWSTREAMNAME update request as system logger does not attempt to rename migrated data sets. Because the log stream is already renamed when this message is issued, the system programmer will need to rename the migrated staging data set.

After correcting the error condition, submit the necessary IDCAMS ALTER entryname NEWNAME() job to get the existing log stream staging data set name updated to match the new stream name change. This will need to be done before defining a new instance of a log stream that uses the same name as the log stream identified in this message. Failure to get the staging data set renamed correctly can result in a "loss of data" condition when a connection occurs for the log stream that was renamed.

If you cannot identify the problem source or correct the error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center.

User response


Programmer response



System logger (SCLOG)

Routing code


Descriptor code