
System logger has detected a shortage of data set directory extent records in the active primary LOGR couple data set (CDS) for TEST group log streams. This message is issued when a DSEXTENT record is assigned to a TEST group log stream and the number of in-use data set directory extent records exceeds 85% of the total number of data set directory extent records in the LOGR CDS available for TEST group log streams. The message can also be issued when system logger is unable to obtain a DSEXTENT record for a TEST group log stream because all the DSEXTENTs are assigned to PRODUCTION log streams.

TEST group log streams are allowed at most 25% of the total number of DSEXTENT records in the LOGR CDS. The counts in the message are the values that existed when the condition was detected and may not reflect the real time record counts in the current LOGR couple data set.

In the message text:
is the total number of data set directory extent records in the active primary LOGR couple data set that can be used for the TEST group log streams.
is the current number of data set directory extent records explicitly in use for TEST group log streams in the active primary LOGR couple data set.
is the remaining number of data set directory extent records currently available in the active primary LOGR couple data set for TEST group log streams.

System action

The system logger will continue processing. This condition can proceed in one of two directions:
  1. Shortage is relieved

    This could happen either as a result of system activity resulting in a number of data set directory extent records being freed from log streams, thus increasing the available pool for the TEST group, or because a new LOGR CDS was brought into the sysplex and was formatted with a larger number of data set directory extent records.

    The shortage could also be relieved if the activities of TEST group log streams are reduced by deleting TEST group log streams or by reducing the retention period for log data associated with TEST group log streams.

    Should this shortage be relieved, this message will be deleted (DOMed).

  2. No more data set directory extent records are available

    This means that all of the data set directory extent records for the TEST group are in use in the active primary LOGR CDS. System logger will fail log stream offloads in the TEST group since it is unable to obtain a data set directory extent required to process an offload. If the condition persists, then the log stream writers may eventually receive "log stream interim storage full" error conditions.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

The pool of available data set directory extent records in the active primary LOGR CDS may need to be increased.
  1. Freeing data set directory extents from existing log streams:
    You can relieve the shortage by freeing data set directory extent records being consumed by existing log stream definitions. Run a report of the log streams defined in the LOGR couple data set to help you identify candidates for cleanup. The report utility program is IXCMIAPU for DATA TYPE(LOGR) using the LIST LOGSTREAM NAME(*) DETAIL(YES) request. Data set directory extent records can be freed in two different ways:
    1. Deleting log stream definitions.

      If you can identify unnecessary log stream definitions that are consuming data set directory extents, deleting the log stream definition will result in the data set directory extent records associated with that log stream being freed and put back into the available pool. As an aid in detecting unnecessary log stream definitions, check the log stream GROUP attribute. It is more likely you will want to delete TEST log streams before you delete PRODUCTION log streams.

    2. Reducing the retention period for log data.

      If you can identify log streams that are defined with excessive retention periods and these log streams are consuming data set directory extent records, by reducing the retention period you may free up data set directory extent records, thus increasing the available pool. For TEST group based log streams, you may want to make the retention period small so that the log data can be quickly deleted thus occupying less data set directory extent records.

      Note: System logger does not necessarily react immediately to reductions in the retention period. The rule for when system logger will process reductions in the retention period is on the next data set switch event for the log stream. Hence, this implies that the log stream must be connected and incurring sufficient write activity to force data set switch events.
  2. Bring in a new primary LOGR couple data set with more data set directory extent records:

    You can format a new LOGR couple data set and increase the number of data set directory extent records through the DSEXTENT keyword on the couple data set format utility. Use the DISPLAY XCF,C,TYPE=LOGR command and use the message IXC358I output to determine the current total number of data set directory extent records that are formatted in the active primary and alternate LOGR couple data sets. After the larger LOGR CDS is formatted, make it the new active primary through the SETXCF COUPLE commands.

User response


Programmer response



System logger (SCLOG)



Routing code


Descriptor code