NO SPACE IN BROADCAST DATA SET FOR {Start of changeMAIL to useridEnd of change | NOTICES}


The portion of the Broadcast data set needed to contain a SEND message record is full:
  1. Start of changeMAIL to useridEnd of change - The SEND command specified ‘USER’ and ‘LOGON’, but no free space is available in the user mail section of the Broadcast data set to contain the SEND message. Start of changeuserid is the user for whom mail cannot be saved.End of change
  2. NOTICES - The SEND command specified ‘LOGON’ and did not specify ‘USER’, no free space is available in the Broadcast notice section to contain the SEND message.

System action

The SEND message is sent to all specified users currently logged on. However, the message is not saved in the Broadcast data set for those users not currently logged on.

Operator response

Case 1 is a temporary situation. Space will be available in the mail section of the Broadcast data set as soon as a user for whom a message is intended enters a LOGON or LISTBC command. For case 2, it is necessary to free a Broadcast message number by issuing a SEND command with the ‘DELETE’ parameter specified.


Time Sharing Option/Extensions (TSO/E)

Routing code


Descriptor code