
An input record on the indicated input data set whose length is greater than the output block size has been processed. If the record length is less than or equal to the output device track capacity, then it was copied from the member to the output data set at the logical disk address specified exactly as it was read (no truncation). Otherwise, the record is discarded.

In the message text:
The specified member.
The logical disk address.

The severity is 4.

System action

In the case of records greater than the output track capacity, the operation ends and the next control statement is sought. Otherwise, the error is ignored.

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the JCL and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem.

Note: If this message is issued while processing a data set that will be serviced with SMP/E, resolve the condition causing the message before using SMP/E to modify the load module. The program management binder and editor will not use load modules named in this message as input.

Programmer response

If the output data set is to be updated or compressed, retry the operation specifying a larger block size, by JCL, on the output data set. If using full track blocking on input, be sure not to use an output device with a smaller track size than the data set block size.

Note: The stored load module will be executable, but it will not be usable as input to either the program management binder or the linkage editor. Before including it as input to either utility, copy the load module to a data set with a block size greater than the length of the largest text record. (The system's maximum block size, 32760 bytes, will always be large enough to contain any text record.)


Data Facility Product (DFP)

Routing code

Note 11

Descriptor code
