
An INCLUDE statement referenced a module that is too long or too short to be valid. If an FCB module is being built, the length field is too large for the virtual storage occupied by the module, or too small to describe a valid FCB. Maximum size for COPYMOD is 8196 bytes, and for GRAPHIC is 64 segments. For FCB, the LPI keyword specifies lines beyond that specified by the SIZE keyword.

System action

The IEBIMAGE program continues processing the next control statement, but writing to the library data set for the current operation is inhibited.

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output, the source input for the job, and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem.

Programmer response

Respecify COPYMOD statements to optimize storage usage. If more than 64 segments are needed for ‘GRAPHIC’, up to four ‘GRAFMODS’ can be created and their names included into this appropriate character arrangement table. For FCB, SIZE keyword determines maximum number of lines. Respecify the control cards and rerun the job.
