CBR4175I   Volume volser library library-name access group denies mount.


An error has been detected during library automation communication services (LACS) processing for the MOUNT function. The mount request for volume volser issued to library library-name has failed. The selective device access control group the volume belongs to does not have authority to mount the volume on the requested device. This might be because the current access group does not include the device address, or a new access group assigned to the volume being created does not include the device address.

System action

The LACS request fails with a permanent error return code. Messages issued by the caller of LACS are written concurrently with this message.

Operator response

Verify the access control group setup at the TS7700 Virtualization Engine and whether the host submitting the mount request should have access to the volumes that are associated with that control group. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code

Set by the caller.

Descriptor Code

Set by the caller.