CBR0436I   CHGCOL unsuccessful for collection collection-name. {Collection not found in catalog | Error returned from catalog alter | Catalog error occurred | Collection not found in DB2 | Error attempting to locate collection in DB2 | Error attempting to delete collection in DB2 | Error defining collection to DB2 | Error returned from DB2 services | Error returned from PC routine | Internal error occurred when processing CHGCOL request | OLDSCN does not match catalog | OLDSCN does not match DB2 | OLDMCN does not match catalog | OLDMCN does not match DB2 | SGN does not match catalog | SGN does not match DB2}. Return code = return-code, Reason code = reason-code.


The OAMUTIL CHGCOL request ended in error. The specific errors are displayed and explained:
Collection not found in catalog
An attempt was made to locate the definition of the collection in the catalog; however, the collection is not defined in the catalog. Return-code is set to eight, and reason-code indicates the return code from catalog.
Error returned from catalog alter
A catalog error was detected on an alter request for a collection. Return-code is set to eight, and reason-code indicates the return code from catalog.
Catalog error occurred
A catalog error was detected on a SuperLocate request for a collection. Return-code is set to eight, and reason-code indicates the return code from catalog.
Collection not found in DB2®
An attempt was made to update an existing collection definition in DB2; however, the collection is not defined in DB2. Return-code indicates the return code from DB2 services, and reason-code indicates the SQL error returned from DB2 services.
Error attempting to locate collection in DB2
An attempt was made to locate an existing collection definition in DB2; however, an error occurred other than the collection is not found. Return-code indicates the return code from DB2 services, and reason-code indicates the SQL error returned from DB2 services.
Error attempting to delete collection in DB2
An attempt was made to delete an existing collection definition in DB2. Return-code indicates the return code from DB2 services, and reason-code indicates the SQL error returned from DB2 services.
Error defining collection to DB2
An error occurred while attempting to define a collection to DB2. Return-code indicates the return code from DB2 services, and reason-code indicates the SQL error returned from DB2 services.
Error returned from DB2 services
An error was returned from DB2 services. Return-code indicates the return code from DB2 services, and reason-code indicates the SQL error returned from DB2 services.
Error returned from PC routine
An error was returned from the OAM PC routine. Return-code and reason-code are IBM® internal.
Internal error occurred when processing CHGCOL request
  • If return-code = 16 and reason-code = 8, an error occurred while establishing a recovery routine.
  • If return-code = 16 and reason-code = 12, an ABEND occurred when attempting to process the CHGCOL request.
OLDSCN does not match catalog
The value for OLDSCN specified on the OAMUTIL CHGCOL command does not match the default storage class that is currently defined in the catalog. Return-code is set to eight, and reason-code is set to zero.
OLDMCN does not match catalog
The value for OLDMCN specified on the OAMUTIL CHGCOL command does not match the default management class that is currently defined in the catalog. Return-code is set to eight, and reason-code is set to zero.
OLDSCN does not match DB2
The value for OLDSCN specified on the OAMUTIL CHGCOL command does not match the default storage class that is currently defined in DB2. Return-code is set to eight, and reason-code is set to zero.
OLDMCN does not match DB2
The value for OLDMCN specified on the OAMUTIL CHGCOL command does not match the default management class that is currently defined in DB2. Return-code is set to eight, and reason-code is set to zero.
SGN does not match catalog
The value for SGN specified on the OAMUTIL CHGCOL command does not match the storage group name that is currently defined in the catalog. Return-code is set to eight, and reason-code is set to zero.
SGN does not match DB2
The value for SGN specified on the OAMUTIL CHGCOL command does not match the storage group name that is currently defined in DB2. Return-code is set to eight, and reason-code is set to zero.

System action

The OAMUTIL CHGCOL request did not complete successfully.

User response

Investigate the cause of the indicated error, and resubmit the OAMUTIL CHGCOL request when the error is resolved.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code
