CSV403I   PARSING OF PARMLIB MEMBER=memname CONTINUED AT symbol, LINE line-number. INPUT LINE: input-line


The system encountered a syntax error in a parmlib member. The system ignores the portion of the parmlib member containing the syntax error, but continues processing at the point indicated in the message text.

In the message text:
The name of the parmlib member containing a syntax error
The next statement, keyword, or character after the syntax error where the system begins processing the parmlib member again.
The number of the line in parmlib member memname where the system resumes processing the parmlib member again.
The text of the line where the system begins processing again after encountering the system error.

System action

The system does not check the syntax in the portion of the parmlib member containing the syntax error, but continues processing at the point indicated in the message text.

System programmer response

Look in the portion of the parmlib member that was not processed for the syntax error. Correct the error before reusing the parmlib member.




Contents supervision (CSV)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code