CBR4005I   Scratch mount volser mismatch: int internal-volser, ext external-volser.


An error has been detected during Library Automation Communication Services (LACS) VERIFY processing for a scratch volume mount. The caller-supplied internal-volser does not match the external-volser returned by the library at the completion of the volume mount. The internal volser is recorded on the tape as part of the volume label; the external volser is recorded on an external label on the tape cartridge.

System action

The LACS request completes with a warning return code. The caller of LACS may choose to:
  • Accept the mounted volume by writing a new volume label with an internal volser that matches the external volser.
  • Retry the mount request by demounting the volume, assigning it to the error category in the library inventory, and calling for the mount of another scratch volume.

System programmer response

If the mounted volume is not accepted, use the ISMF mountable tape volume list to examine the status of the volume and eject it from the library, if necessary.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code

Set by the caller.

Descriptor Code

Set by the caller.