CBR3776I   Volume volser inaccessible in library library-name.


Library library-name has indicated that volume volser is inaccessible. The volume cannot be retrieved using normal library automated function; manual intervention is needed.

System action

Any order to the library that attempts to use the volume is rejected with a unit check. The volume error status field for volume volser in the tape configuration database (TDCB ) is updated to reflect the error.

Operator response

Place the library in the paused operational state. Retrieve the inaccessible volume, if possible, and reenter it into the library through an input station. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center.

Programmer response

Resubmit the failing job once the volume is again accessible.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code