CBR3657I   Abend ABEND-code occurred in the cartridge eject installation exit (CBRUXEJC).


The eject request failed due to the cartridge eject installation exit (CBRUXEJC) abending. Refer to preceding message CBR36xxI for the volume serial number and library name and type of call being made to the exit and state of the volume.

System action

A dump is written to a SYS1.DUMP data set to aid the installation in debugging the problem. Cartridge eject processing of both physical and logical volumes is discontinued until OAM has been stopped and restarted, or the LIBRARY RESET command has been issued to re-enable the cartridge eject installation exit (CBRUXEJC).

System programmer response

Determine the cause of the cartridge eject installation exit (CBRUXEJC) failure. LINKEDIT a new copy of the installation exit and either restart OAM or issue the LIBRARY RESET command.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code