CBR3641I   Invalid return code return-code from the volume not in library installation exit (CBRUXVNL).


An invalid return code return-code was returned from the volume not in library installation exit (CBRUXVNL).

System action

The volume not in library installation exit (CBRUXVNL) is deactivated (meaning that it will not be invoked again until reactivated). Normal system processing continues without invoking the volume not in library installation exit until either OAM has been stopped and restarted, or the installation exit has been reactivated by issuing the LIBRARY RESET, CBRUXVNL command.

System programmer response

Perform the following steps:

  1. Determine the reason why the volume not in library installation exit returned an invalid return code.
  2. Correct the source code in the volume not in library installation exit.
  3. Re-compile or assemble the volume not in library installation exit.
  4. Link a new version of the volume not in library installation exit into the program library containing the exit
  5. If the program library containing the volume not in library installation exit, load module CBRUXVNL, is managed by the Library Lookaside Facility (LLA), then use the MVS™ operator MODIFY LLA command, in conjunction with a CSVLLAxx PARMLIB member, to refresh the CBRUXVNL load module being managed by the Library Lookaside Facility.
  6. Reactivate the volume not in library installation exit by either stopping and restarting the OAM address space or issuing a LIBRARY RESET, CBRUXVNL command at an MVS system console.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code