CBR3201I   The I/O station in library library-name is no longer usable.


An I/O error has occurred while a library command was being issued. Library library-name returned a fault 044 indicating that an input command was received but the I/O station does not contain a cartridge. After receiving a fault 044, even though the operator has inserted a cartridge into the I/O station, the cartridge may no longer be properly positioned in the I/O station.

System action

The I/O station is marked not operational causing all subsequent entry and eject requests to fail until the library is varied offline and then back online.

Operator response

If there is a cartridge present in the I/O station, remove it. VARY the library offline and then back online and reinsert the cartridge into the I/O station. If the problem recurs, contact hardware support.

System programmer response

For information on library errors, consult Filenet OSAR Library Unit Product Description. Obtain the logrec data set error record.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code