CBR2004I   Tape volume volser marked unwritable.


A permanent I/O error occurred when OAM was attempting to write to tape volume volser. OAM has marked the tape volume unwriteable in the TAPEVOL table in the optical configuration database.

System action

If the write request which encountered the I/O error could only be satisfied by writing the object(s) on the volume which was marked unwriteable, OAM fails the write request. If the request was a write for a storage group volume, then a different storage group volume will be used to satisfy this write request. Any future request to write on the unwriteable volume fails; a request to read an object that was previously written on the volume is allowed.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

If you want OAM to continue to attempt to write data to this tape volume, then use the MODIFY OAM,UPDATE,VOLUME,volser,WRITABLE,Y command to set the volume's writable status to 'Y' in the OAM internal control block and in the DB2® row for that volume, or use SPUFI (SQL Processing Using File Input) under DB2I (DB2 Interactive) to set the WRITABLE column for this tape volume to 'Y'. Stop OAM, then start OAM to make OAM recognize the changed WRITABLE column for this tape volume. Once OAM recognizes that the tape volume is now writeable, it will attempt to write objects on this tape volume.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code