CBR1210I   EJECT rejected. Volume volser is mounted on nonoperational drive drvname.


The operator entered a command of one of the following forms:

or an ISMF user requested an EJECT of the volume volser by using mountable optical volume list.

The volume specified is mounted on a nonoperational drive drvname, and therefore cannot be ejected.

System action

The system rejects the command.

Operator response

Use the DISPLAY SMS,DRIVE command to determine drive status. Use the VARY SMS,DRIVE command to VARY the nonoperational drive offline, then use the OAM VARY command to VARY the drive online. If the nonoperational status was not cleared by varying the drive offline and back online, contact a service representative.

If the original EJECT request was issued by the operator, once the drive is online and operational, reenter the EJECT command.

System programmer response

If the original EJECT command was an ISMF EJECT, once the operator has varied the nonoperational drive offline and back online, reenter the ISMF EJECT.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code