CBR1202I   EJECT rejected. Library library-name cannot eject volume volser.


An ISMF EJECT line operator is entered or the operator has entered one of the following commands:

The library library-name in which the specified volume volser resides is not currently capable of ejecting a volume. The library is offline or not operational, or the optical library input/output station is not operational, or the tape library vision system is not operational.

System action

The command is rejected.

Operator response

Use the DISPLAY SMS,LIBRARY command to determine library status. If the library is currently offline, use the VARY SMS,LIBRARY command to VARY it online. If the library is currently not operational, use the VARY SMS,LIBRARY command first to VARY the library offline and then to VARY it online. Once the library is online, reenter the EJECT command. If the optical input/output station is not operational, or after using the VARY commands the library is still not operational, contact a service representative. If the tape library vision system is not operational, contact a service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code