CBR1130I   OAM storage group status:


sgname  a   bbbbb sysname  objbusg1 objbusg2  n     o   
TAPE       DATA        L2TAPE       L2DATA
UNIT       CLASS       UNIT         CLASS
unitname   dataclass   unitname2    dataclass2
LIBRARY NAMES:      libname1 libname2 libname3 libname4                 
                    libname5 libname6 libname7 libname8
sgname    libname1  libname2  libname3  libname4
          libname5  libname6  libname7  libname8
DSL2 Directory: dsl2dir 
DSL2 Type:      dsl2type
The operator has entered one of the following commands:
DISPLAY SMS,STORGRP(storage-group-name),DETAIL
A display of OAM storage group status has been requested. When a storage group name is supplied, there is one data line that describes the specified storage group; when ALL is supplied, there is one data line for each storage group in the configuration. If both object and tape storage groups have been defined in the SMS configuration, the sample display above is generated. Otherwise, only the data for the storage group type defined is generated.
The fields displayed in each data line are as follows:
Name of the storage group.
libname1 - libname8
Names of the one to eight libraries associated with the storage group. For object or object backup storage groups, the libraries will be all real optical libraries or all pseudo optical libraries.
For object storage groups, the additional fields displayed in each data line are as follows:
Storage group type, as follows:
Object backup storage group.
Object storage group.
Nongroup. Currently not used.
Number of write requests for the storage groups which are currently pending in OAM.
The OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) processing system name. Defined in the object storage group definition in the active SMS configuration (ACDS), this is the system where OSMC storage group processing is done either automatically when the cycle start time window occurs, or when a full OSMC cycle is requested on that system. If this field is blanks, a specific system was not requested, storage group processing will be started on any system where OAM and OSMC are active and an OSMC cycle is requested on that system, or when the cycle start time window occurs.
The name of the object backup storage group where the first backup copies of objects in this object storage group are written. This is defined using the SETOSMC statements in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB.

If the storage group that is displayed is an object storage group and no FIRSTBACKUPGROUP is defined for this storage group, this field contains '--------'.

If the storage group that is displayed is an object backup storage group, this field contains '--N/A--'.

The name of the object backup storage group where the second backup copies of objects in this object storage group are written. This is defined using the SETOSMC statements in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB.

If the storage group that is displayed is an object storage group and no SECONDBACKUPGROUP is defined for this storage group, this field contains '--------'.

If the storage group displayed is an object backup storage group, this field contains '--N/A--'.

The MVS™ esoteric or generic unit name that OAM uses for tape sublevel 1 when allocating a tape drive for a scratch volume during a write request to this storage group. This is defined using the SETOAM statements in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB or SETOAM update operator commands.

If no TAPEUNITNAME is specified for this storage group, this field contains '--------'.

The data class associated with this sublevel 1 object tape volume. This is defined using the SETOAM statements in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB or SETOAM update operator commands.

If no DATACLASS is specified for this storage group, this field will contain '--------'.

The MVS esoteric or generic unit name that OAM uses for tape sublevel 2 when allocating a tape drive for a scratch volume during a write request to this storage group. This is defined using the SETOAM statements in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB or SETOAM update operator commands.

If no L2TAPEUNITNAME is specified for this storage group and the group is not a backup storage group, this field contains '--------'. For a backup storage group, this field contains '--N/A--'.

The data class associated with this sublevel 2 object tape volume. This is defined using the SETOAM statements in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB or SETOAM update operator commands. .

If no L2DATACLASS is specified for this storage group and the group is not a backup storage group, this field will contain '--------'. For a backup storage group, this field contains '--N/A--'.

The retention-protection status for this object storage group, as follows:
Retention-protection is enabled for this object storage group. Objects stored into this storage group have a retention-protected attribute associated with them for the life of the object. Retention-protected objects cannot be deleted before their expiration date, and additionally, their expiration dates can be moved out to a later date, but can never be brought in to an earlier date.
Retention-protection is disabled for this object storage group. Objects stored into this storage group do not have a retention-protected attribute associated with them for the life of the object.
Note: Even if a given object is not being protected from premature deletion by the retention-protection attribute specifically, it could possibly be protected by another mechanism such as deletion-protection or deletion-hold.
A dash is displayed for object backup storage groups because retention-protection applies only to object storage groups.
Note: Retention-protection status is determined by the OAM Retention Protection parameter in the SMS object storage group definition.
The deletion-protection status for this object storage group, as follows:
Deletion-protection is enabled for this object storage group. Objects in this storage group can not be deleted before their expiration date; however, unlike retention-protection, deletion-protection does not provide any safeguards for preventing the expiration date of an object from being brought into an earlier date.
Note: Retention-protection takes precedence over deletion-protection.
If a given object is both retention-protected and deletion-protected, it defaults to retention-protection for the life of the object, and the expiration date could not be manipulated to an earlier date.
Deletion-protection is disabled for this object storage group. Objects in this storage group are not currently subject to deletion-protection. Although in this case, the objects are not being protected from premature deletion by the deletion-protection attribute specifically, but they could possibly be protected by another mechanism such as retention-protection or deletion-hold.
A dash is displayed for object backup storage groups because deletion-protection applies only to object storage groups.
Note: Deletion-protection status is determined by a combination of the OAM Deletion Protection parameter in the SMS object storage group definition in conjunction with the DP=x keyword in the IEFSSNxx PARMLIB member.
Name of the file system directory specified on the SETDISK statement in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB where primary objects are to be stored for disk sublevel 2 of the OAM storage hierarchy for this Object storage group. This field is blank if the displayed storage group is an Object storage group, but no directory has been specified. This field contains ‘--N/A--’ if the displayed storage group is not an Object storage group.
Name of the file system type specified on the SETDISK statement in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB for disk sublevel 2 of the OAM storage hierarchy for this Object storage group. This field is blank if the displayed storage group is an Object storage group, but no file system type has been specified. This field contains ‘--N/A--’ if the displayed storage group is not an Object storage group.
If the command issued was:
DISPLAY SMS,STORGRP(storage-group-name),DETAIL
and the storage group that is requested is an object storage group or an object backup storage group, additional data lines are displayed as follows:
                        OPTICAL     TAPE      TSL1    TSL2
ALL VOLUMES FULL:          c         d         u       v
WRITABLE VOLUMES:        eeeee     fffff     wwwww    xxxxx 
FULL VOLUMES:            sssss     ttttt     yyyyy    zzzzz
DRIVE START THRESHOLD:   ggggg     hhhhh
VOLUME FULL THRESHOLD:   iiiii     jjjjj
REINIT / RECYCLE MODE:   kkkkkkkk  pppppppp
# OF ACTIVE DRIVES:      lllll     mmmmm
RECALL STATUS:           qqqqqqqq  rrrrrrrr
Recall to disk sublevel  s
These additional fields are displayed as follows:
Indicates whether all of the optical volumes that belong to this storage group are marked full. Valid values are:
All optical volumes are full
At least one optical volume has available space
There are no optical volumes in this storage group
Indicates whether all of the tape volumes that belong to this storage group are marked full. Valid values are:
All tape volumes are full
At least one tape volume has available space
There are no tape volumes in this storage group
Indicates whether all of the tape sublevel 1 volumes that belong to this storage group are marked full. Valid values are:
All tape sublevel 1 volumes are full
At least one tape sublevel 1 volume has available space
There are no tape sublevel 1 volumes in this storage group
Not applicable if this storage group is a backup group
Indicates whether all of the tape sublevel 2 volumes that belong to this storage group are marked full. Valid values are:
All tape sublevel 2 volumes are full
At least one tape sublevel 2 volume has available space
There are no tape sublevel 2 volumes in this storage group
Not applicable if this storage group is a backup group
Number of optical volumes in this storage group that have space available for writes and the volume writeable indicator set to 'Y'.
Number of total tape volumes in this storage group that have space available for writes and the volume writeable indicator set to 'Y'.
Number of tape sublevel 1 volumes in this storage group that have space available for writes and the volume writeable indicator set to ’Y’. If the storage group is a backup group, then ‘N/A’ is displayed.
Number of tape sublevel 2 volumes in this storage group that have space available for writes and the volume writeable indicator set to ’Y’. If the storage group is a backup group, then ‘N/A’ is displayed.
Number of optical volumes in this storage group that have been marked full or permanently full with the volume full indicator set to ’Y’ or 'P'.
Number of total tape volumes in this storage group that have been marked full or permanently full with the volume full indicator set to ’Y’ or 'P'.
Number of tape sublevel 1 volumes in this storage group that have been marked full or permanently full with the volume full indicator set to ’Y’ or 'P'. If the storage group is a backup group, then ‘N/A’ is displayed.
Number of tape sublevel 2 volumes in this storage group that have been marked full or permanently full with the volume full indicator set to ’Y’ or 'P'. If the storage group is a backup group, then ‘N/A’ is displayed.
Optical drive start-up threshold. When the number of requests per active optical drive exceeds this threshold, another drive may be started for this storage group.
Tape drive startup threshold. When the number of requests per active tape drive task exceeds this threshold, another drive may be started for this storage group.
Optical volume full threshold. When the number of kilobytes of free space on an optical volume in this storage group falls below this threshold, the volume is marked full.
Tape volume full threshold. When the number of kilobytes of free space on a tape volume in this storage group falls below this threshold, the volume is marked full.
Optical reinitialization mode. When an optical cartridge in this storage group no longer contains active objects due to volume expiration, or as a result of specifying the RECYCLE option on a MOVEVOL command, and is scheduled to be reinitialized, it can be returned to scratch or remain in the storage group to which it currently belongs. Valid values are:
Remain in the currently assigned storage group
Return to scratch
Tape recycle mode. When a tape cartridge in this storage group no longer contains active objects due to volume expiration or as a result of specifying the RECYCLE option on a MOVEVOL command, and scheduled to be recycled, it can be returned to MVS scratch, OAM scratch, or remain in the storage group to which it currently belongs. Valid values are:
Remain in the currently assigned storage group
Return to OAM scratch
Return to MVS scratch
Number of active optical drives, currently processing work for this storage group.
Number of tape tasks actively processing requests for this storage group.
Optical recall to disk status. Indicates the current recall to disk setting for objects residing on optical media. These values were based off of SETOSMC statements in the CBROAMxx Parmlib member. Valid values are:
Implicit recalls are enabled as a result of RECALLOPTICAL or RECALLALL keywords specified in a SETOSMC statement. When an object from this storage group is retrieved from optical, it will be recalled to a disk sublevel. nnn represents the number of days an implicitly recalled object will reside on a disk sublevel.
Implicit recalls disabled due to RECALLNONE specified and/or RECALLOPTICAL or RECALLALL keywords NOT specified in a SETOSMC statement. Recalls will occur only via OSREQ invocation.
Implicit and explicit recalls disabled as result of RECALLOFF(ON) or MAXRECALLTASKS(0) specified in a SETOSMC Statement.

If the storage group displayed is an object backup storage group, this field will contain '--N/A--'.

Tape recall to disk status. Indicates the current recall to disk setting for objects residing on tape media. These values were based off of SETOSMC statements in the CBROAMxx Parmlib member. Valid values are:
Implicit recalls are enabled as a result of RECALLTAPE or RECALLALL keywords specified in a SETOSMC statement. When an object from this storage group is retrieved from tape, it will be recalled to a disk sublevel. nnn represents the number of days an implicitly recalled object will reside on a disk sublevel.
Implicit recalls disabled due to RECALLNONE specified and/or RECALLTAPE or RECALLALL keywords NOT specified in a SETOSMC statement. Recalls will occur only via OSREQ invocation.
Implicit and explicit recalls disabled as result of RECALLOFF(ON) or MAXRECALLTASKS(0) specified in a SETOSMC Statement.

If the storage group displayed is an object backup storage group, this field will contain '--N/A--'.

Disk sublevel in which recalled objects will be written. The disk sublevel is defined using the SETOSMC statement in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB or SETOSMC update operator command. For Object Backup storage groups this value will contain “--N/A--“.

System action



Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code
