CBR1083I   Cartridge loader scratch media type cannot be changed on device device-number. {Device not online | Incompatible media type | Device assigned elsewhere | Device has no cartridge loader | Operand invalid for library type}.


The operator has entered the following command:
LIBRARY SETCL,device-number,media-type
The LIBRARY SETCL command failed for one of the following reasons:
Device not online
Device device-number is offline or pending offline.
Incompatible media type
Media type media-type is invalid for device-number.
  • For a base 3490 (3480X) device, NONE and MEDIA1 are the valid media types.
  • For a 3490E device, NONE, MEDIA1, and MEDIA2 are the valid media types.
  • For a 3590 device, NONE, MEDIA3 and MEDIA4 are the valid media types.
  • For a 3592-J device, NONE, MEDIA5, MEDIA6, MEDIA7, and MEDIA8 are valid media types.
  • For a 3592-2 device, NONE, MEDIA5, MEDIA6, MEDIA7, MEDIA8, MEDIA9, and MEDIA10 are valid media types.
  • For a 3592-2E device, NONE, MEDIA5, MEDIA6, MEDIA7, MEDIA8, MEDIA9, and MEDIA10 are valid media types.
  • For a 3592-3E device, NONE, MEDIA5, MEDIA6, MEDIA7, MEDIA8, MEDIA9, and MEDIA10 are valid media types.
  • For a 3592-4E device, NONE, MEDIA9, MEDIA10, MEDIA11, MEDIA12, and MEDIA13 are valid media types.
Note: For a device residing in a manual tape library, ANY is also valid.
Device assigned elsewhere
Device device-number is currently assigned to another system.
Device has no cartridge loader
Device device-number has no cartridge loader.
Operand invalid for library type
Operand specified is not applicable for the type of library in which the drive resides.

System action

The command is rejected.

Operator response

If the tape drive is offline, vary the tape drive online, then reissue the command. If the media type is incompatible, reissue the command specifying a valid media type.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code