CBR0327I   PARMLIB member member contains no OAMXCF commands.


OAM is processing the member member of PARMLIB.

One of the following conditions was encountered:
  • There were no OAMXCF commands in the PARMLIB member.
  • All the OAMXCF commands were being ignored due to ONLYIF statements indicating that the commands should not be processed on this system.

System action

OAM initialization continues, checking the configuration for valid non-OAMplex environment.

System programmer response

Various OAMplex processing preferences can be specified to OAM via the OAMXCF command in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB. Currently, member contains no OAMXCF commands, therefore OAM is initialized verifying that the configuration is valid for a non-OAMplex environment. Add appropriate OAMXCF commands to the member member of PARMLIB to run as part of an OAMplex, if required. If using the ONLYIF statement in the member member of PARMLIB, then ensure it is specified to allow required commands to be processed on this system.

See z/OS DFSMS OAM Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Object Support for information on the OAMXCF command. OAM must be restarted to recognize any changes made to the member member of PARMLIB.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code