CBR0155I   SMS optical drive definitions unavailable. SSI RC = SSI-return-code, SMS RC = SMS-return-code, SMS REASON = SMS-reason-code.


During OAM initialization processing, a subsystem interface (SSI) call to the storage management subsystem (SMS) has been made to determine the optical drive configuration in the active control data set (ACDS). The call failed. The return code from the SSI is given by SSI-return-code; the return code from SMS is given by SMS-return-code; and the reason code from SMS construct access services is given by SMS-reason-code.

System action

OAM initialization stops.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

For information on the SMS return codes and reason codes see z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis. If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code