CBR0053I   Error {allocating | unallocating} the logical PARMLIB data set concatenation. IEFPRMLB return code = return-code and reason code = reason-code. Initialization {terminated | continues}.


An error occurred using the IEFPRMLB service to dynamically allocate or unallocate the logical PARMLIB dataset concatenation. The return code following the request is return-code and the reason code is reason-code. The messages generated during IEFPRMLB processing will be issued to the OAM job log.

System action

For dynamic allocation OAM initialization stops. For dynamic unallocation OAM initialization continues.

System programmer response

For additional information on the return codes, and reason codes for the IEFPRMLB service, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code