
where text is:

ENVIRONMENT: CREATED                    mm/dd/yyyy AT'
             MODIFIED                   mm/dd/yyyy AT'
             IMAGE CREATED              mm/dd/yyyy AT'
SERVICE:     service
STORAGE:     ACTIVE            a PAGES
             FIXED             f PAGES
             LIMIT             l PAGES
CASECONV:    casesupported 
CASE VER:    casever
NORMALIZE:   normsupported 
NORM VER:    normver | NONE
COLLATE:     collsupported 
COLL RULES:  collrulesid
STRPROFILES: StringProfiles
CONVERSION:  fromccsid-toccsid-tso | NONE
Start of changeLOCALE:      (nnnnn-tso) locnameEnd of change 

The DISPLAY UNI command shows the status of available conversions and whether Unicode is already initialized. If one input parameter is incorrect, this parameter will be ignored. See the DISPLAY UNI command in z/OS MVS System Commands for specific information and content for this message.

In the message text:
The current time. The time format is in hours (00-23), minutes (00-59), and seconds (00-59).
mm/dd/yyyy AT'
The date and time when the Unicode environment was created or modified or when the active image was created. The date format is in month (01-12), day (01-31), and year (0000-9999). The time format is in hours (00-23), minutes (00-59), and seconds (00-59).
  • The first time stamp CREATED mm/dd/yyyy AT' shows when the Unicode environment was created.
  • The second time stamp MODIFIED mm/dd/yyyy AT' shows when the last change was made to the Unicode environment. The Unicode environment can be changed with the SET UNI or SETUNI command, or a dynamic addition of an individual table.
  • The third time stamp IMAGE CREATED mm/dd/yyyy AT' only shows a value if there is an image loaded at IPL time or if an image was added dynamically to an empty Unicode environment. Any subsequent modification to the Unicode environment or dynamic additions of individual tables to an empty environment will result in clearing out of the time stamp field: --/--/---- AT --.--.--.
Displays the Unicode service callable API available.
The amount of storage used by the Unicode environment. This includes both page-fixed and non-page-fixed storage.
The amount of storage used by the Unicode environment for page-fixed conversion data.
The maximum amount of storage the Unicode environment is allowed to page-fix.
Type of case conversion supported in the Unicode environment. Valid values are LOCALE, NORMAL, and CASING. These conversion tables are requested at Image Generator time by using CASE control statements.
Displays the Unicode data version loaded for Case conversion in the Unicode environment. Valid values are UNI300, UNI320, UNI401, UNI410, UNI500, and UNI600.
Displays the status of Normalization support.
  • ENABLED means that all Normalization tables are available to be used by the Normalization callable services.
  • DISABLED means that no Normalization tables are available.
Displays the Unicode data version loaded for Normalization in the Unicode environment. Valid values are UNI301, UNI302, UNI401, UNI410, and Start of changeUNI600End of change.
Displays the status of Collation support.
  • ENABLED means that all Collation tables are available to be used by the Collation callable services.
  • DISABLED means that no Collation tables are available.
Displays the Collation rules loaded in the Unicode environment. The structure for collrulesid is UCA version_collrules.
UCA version
Unicode Collation Algorithm version. The maximum length is 10 characters. Valid values are UCA301, UCA400R1, UCA410, and UCA600.
This field can be DEFAULT, which means no tailoring for whatever UCA version, locale name file or user collation rules file name. The maximum length is 8 characters.
Displays the Stringprep profiles loaded in the Unicode environment.
Displays the FROM CCSID of the Character conversion.
Displays the TO CCSID of the Character conversion.
Displays the technique search order of the Character conversion.
Start of changennnnnEnd of change
Start of changeDisplays the CCSID of the locale build service.End of change
Start of changetsoEnd of change
Start of changeDisplays the technique search order of the locale build service.End of change
Start of changelocnameEnd of change
Start of changeDisplays the locale name of the locale build service.End of change

System action

Displays the setup. Processing continues.

Operator response

If one input parameter is wrong, read the explanations in the message. Correct this parameter on the command line and enter again.

System programmer response

