CBR9370I   OSMC Detail for taskname:


            READ     READ     READ     READ
           DISK1    DISK2      OPT     TAPE
WORK Q: aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd
WAIT Q:          eeeeeeee ffffffff gggggggg
DONE:   hhhhhhhh iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk
           WRITE    WRITE    WRITE    WRITE    WRITE
           DISK1    DISK2      OPT    TAPE1    TAPE2
WORK Q: llllllll mmmmmmmm nnnnnnnn oooooooo pppppppp
WAIT Q:          qqqqqqqq rrrrrrrr ssssssss tttttttt
DONE:   uuuuuuuu vvvvvvvv wwwwwwww xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy
           WRITE    WRITE      DIR
         BACKUP1  BACKUP2    UPDTS
WORK Q: zzzzzzzz 11111111 22222222
WAIT Q: 33333333 44444444 55555555
DONE:   66666666 77777777 88888888
End of Display Detail

Detail status information is provided for the OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) task specified in the DISPLAY command. The number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed for each of the OSMC services is displayed. The number of internal work items does not exactly equate to the number of objects processed; there may be multiple internal work items per object or there may be internal work items not associated with any object. This information is better used for problem determination and monitoring the progress of the OSMC than for tracking the actual number of objects processed.

The fields displayed in each data line represent the services that the OSMC performs during its processing.

In the message text, taskname is the name that is associated with the OSMC task and is the same as the task name that is specified on the DISPLAY SMS,OSMC command. In the case of the OAM storage management cycle, taskname is the name of an OBJECT storage group that is being processed by OSMC. In the case of the OAM MOVEVOL utility, taskname is the volume serial number of the volume that is being operated on by the utility. In the case of the OAM Volume Recovery utility, taskname is the volume serial number of the optical or tape volume that is being recovered by the utility.

The column headings in the label lines of the messages are:
The READ DISK1 column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the read disk sublevel 1 service
The READ DISK2 column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the read disk sublevel 2 (file system) service
The READ OPT column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the read optical service.
The READ TAPE column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the read tape service. This read service reads from both tape sublevel 1 and tape sublevel 2.
The WRITE DISK1 column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the write disk sublevel 1 service
The WRITE DISK2 column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the write disk sublevel 2 (file system) service
The WRITE OPT column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the write optical service.
The WRITE TAPE1 column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the write tape sublevel 1 service.
The WRITE TAPE2 column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the write tape sublevel 2 service.
The WRITE BACKUP1 column contains the number of internal work items that are queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items that are completed by the write first backup service.
The WRITE BACKUP2 column contains the number of internal work items that are queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items that are completed by the write second backup service.
The DIR UPDTS column contains the number of internal work items queued on the work and wait queues and the number of internal work items completed by the directory update service.

System action

The OSMC continues processing.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9400I   Library Space Manager starting for library library-name.


The Library Space Manager has begun processing.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9401I   Library Space Manager completed for library library-name. n optical disks ejected.


The Library Space Manager has completed processing.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9402I   Could not locate an optical disk for ejection in library library-name.


The library does not hold any optical disk which the Library Space Manager could eject. The library may be empty or offline.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing continues.

Operator response

Notify system programmer.

System programmer response

Check the library. If the library is online and not empty, contact the service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9403I   Eject operation called by modname unsuccessful. Library library-name cannot eject volume volser. Further space management requests for this library cannot be processed.


The Eject operation in CBRSCHED called by modname returned a return code of X'04'. The library in which the specified volume resides is not currently capable of ejecting an optical disk. The library is offline or not operational, or the library input/output station is not operational.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

If the library is offline, determine why and vary it online if possible. Check for prior messages indicating errors in the library and take the actions indicated for the prior messages. Otherwise, notify the service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9404I   Eject operation called by modname unsuccessful. Library Space Manager received return code reason-code while trying to eject volume volser.


The Eject operation in CBRSCHED called by modname returned a return code of reason-code. If return-code is 10, storage was not available. Any other value of reason-code indicates a value not recognized by Library Space Manager. The return code reason-code is included for diagnostic purposes only.

System action

Library Space Manager stops processing the current library.

Operator response

If storage was not available, this message should have been preceded by message CBR7004I, q.v. In any event, notify the system programmer.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9405I   Eject operation called by modname failed. Further space management requests cannot be processed.


The Eject operation in CBRSCHED called by modname returned a return code of X'10(16)' or X'18(24)'. This message is preceded by message CBR2610I. Refer to that message for further explanation.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Notify the service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9500I   Shelf Manager has started {optical | tape} processing for storage group storage-group.


The Shelf Manager of the OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) has begun processing to locate expired optical or tape cartridges in storage group storage-group.

This message is issued twice at the end of the storage group processing cycle: once for optical, then a second time for tape.

System action

OSMC processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9501I   Shelf Manager completed {optical | tape} processing for storage group storage-group. n cartridges selected. Detailed messages for each volume expiration will be written to hardcopy.


The Shelf Manager of the OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) has completed optical or tape processing for storage group storage-group and has selected n cartridges that meet expiration criteria to be processed by LCS.

Individual messages for each cartridge that has expired will be issued to the hardcopy log when they are processed by LCS.

This message is issued twice at the end of the storage group processing cycle: once for optical, then a second time for tape.

System action

OSMC processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9700I   There was an error in the execution of a DB2 operation. The error code from DB2 is: SQL SQL-error-code.


An error occurred when accessing DB2®. The message lists the SQL codes which existed at the time of failure. This message is issued immediately before message CBR9701I, CBR9704I or CBR9705I which lists the transaction that failed.

System action

Issue message CBR9701I, CBR9704I, or CBR9705I.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

For information on SQL error reason codes, visit the DB2 information center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/imzic.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9701I   There was an error {SELECTING | DELETING | WRITING | UPDATING | SUBSTRINGING | SETTING | CONCATENATING} a row in the OAM Database database-name. Collection name is collection-name and object name is object-name in Storage Group storage-group in table-name in MODULE module-name.


An error occurred when accessing DB2. The message identifies the operation (selecting, deleting, writing, updating, substringing, setting, or concatenating) that was requested and the module that called DB2. The collection-name and the object-name indicates the failing row for updating or deleting. The collection-name and the object-name is null for errors while fetching an object. A few of these errors during an OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) cycle should not be any cause for concern.

System action

OSMC processing continues. OSMC will retry the operation that failed due to deadlock or time out. If the retries are not successful, OSMC will issue additional messages indicating that the object could not be processed. These objects will be available for processing in the next OSMC cycle.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Determine why DB2 failed on that row.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9703I   There was an error accessing the Optical Configuration Database while processing Storage Group storage-group-name. The error code from DB2 is: SQL SQL-error-code.


An error occurred during Shelf Management processing when accessing the Volume Table in the optical configuration database. The message lists the SQL codes which existed at the time of the failure.

System action


Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

For information on SQL error reason codes, visit the DB2 information center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/imzic.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9704I   There was an error {OPENING | CLOSING} a cursor in the OAM Database dbname for Storage Group storgrp in tabname in MODULE modname.


An error occurred when accessing DB2 while doing an operation on a cursor.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Determine why DB2 failed on opening or closing the cursor.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9705I   There was an error {COMMITTING | ROLLING BACK} data in the OAM Database dbname for Storage Group storgrp in MODULE modname.


An error occurred when accessing DB2.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

The SQL code identifying the failure is given in preceding message CBR9700I.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9706I   There was an error executing a DB2 operation while processing object object-name, the return code from DB2 is: SQL SQL-error-code.


An error occurred processing DB2 request. The message lists the object name object-name and the SQL error code SQL-error-code associated with the failure.

System action


Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

For information on SQL error codes, visit the DB2 information center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/imzic.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9800I   OAM {Move Volume Recycle | Move Volume Delete | Volume Recovery | Volume Recovery Delete} starting for volumes volser-1 and volser-2.


OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) has started either the Move Volume Recycle, Move Volume Delete, Volume Recovery, or Volume Recovery Delete utility for volser-1 and its opposite side, volser-2. If volser-1 is a tape volume, volser-2 will be N/A.

System action

OSMC processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9803I   Volume Type is not valid.


The volume type recorded in the volume control block is neither BACKUP nor GROUP.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing stops.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Notify the service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9809I   modname detected an SQL error on a DB2 OPEN request.


Probable programming error.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component implementation is ended.

System programmer response

Notify the service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9810D   Reply 'QUIT' to terminate or 'GO' to proceed with recovery.


A list of optical or tape volumes, or both, that are required for recovery was identified and listed in a previously issued message CBR9824I or CBR9827I. If all the volumes are available and recovery can proceed, reply GO. If all the volumes are not available, recovery can be stopped by replying QUIT, and started again when all of the volumes are available.

System action

Waits for operator response.

Operator response

Respond to the message with 'GO' or 'QUIT'.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9814I   modname was unable to get working storage.


A GETMAIN failed.

System action

No recovery processing can take place.

Operator response

Monitor the progress of the recovery task. When the recovery task ends, restart it.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9817I   modname was unable to get storage for a process control block.


A GETMAIN failed.

System action

Recovery continues for objects already in process. However, recovery will not be attempted for additional objects.

Operator response

Monitor the progress of the recovery task. When the recovery task ends, restart it.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9819I   OAM Volume Recovery is ending for volumes volser1 and volser2.


If the recovery is for a tape volume, volser2 will be 'N/A'. This will be caused by one of the following:
  • Operator requested OAM to stop.
  • Operator requested OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) to stop.
  • Previous OSMC error caused recovery to terminate; refer to CBR9xxx messages issued prior to this message.
  • Normal completion of the recovery utility.

System action

Recovery continues for objects already in process. However, recovery will not be attempted for additional objects.

Operator response

Monitor the progress of the recovery task. If this was not a successful completion, when OSMC is available again, start the recovery again for the same volume to resume volume recovery for remaining objects.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9824I   OAM Volume Recovery.


The following OPTICAL volumes are needed for recovery:
 volsr1 volsr2 volsr3 volsr4 volsr5 volsr6 volsr7 volsr8 volsr9

This message provides a list of OPTICAL volumes that are required for the recovery of either an optical or tape volume. If tape volumes are required for the recovery, then a list of tape volumes will be identified and provided in message CBR9827I.

System action

OSMC processing continues.

Operator response

Respond to message CBR9820D according to the following:
  • If all volumes (optical, tape, or both) are available and recovery can proceed, respond GO to message CBR9810D when it is issued.
  • If the volumes are not available, recovery can be stopped and started again when the volumes have been retrieved, so respond QUIT to message CBR9810D when it is issued.
  • If some of the volumes are available and others are not, recovery will be performed for objects from the volumes that are available if GO is the response to message CBR9810D.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9827I   OAM Volume Recovery.


The following TAPE volumes are needed for recovery:
 volsr1 volsr2 volsr3 volsr4 volsr5 volsr6 volsr7 volsr8 volsr9

This message provides a list of TAPE volumes that are required for the recovery of either an optical or tape volume. If optical volumes are required for the recovery, then a list of optical volumes will be identified and provided in message CBR9824I.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component issues message CBR9810D.

Operator response

Respond to message CBR9810D according to the following:
  • If all volumes (tape, optical, or both) are available, recovery can proceed; respond GO to message CBR9810D when it is issued.
  • If the volumes are not available, recovery can be stopped and started again when the volumes have been retrieved; respond QUIT to message CBR9810D when it is issued.
  • If some of the volumes are available and others are not, recovery will be performed for objects from the volumes that are available if GO is the response to message CBR9810D.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9830I   Single Object Recovery complete for collection collection-name, object object-name.


A Single Object Recovery command was issued and is complete. Previous messages would describe any error conditions that may have been detected in processing the command.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9831I   OAM Volume Recovery could not determine the volume type for volume volser.


The OAM Volume Recovery attempted to determine whether volume volser was an optical volume or a tape volume but was unsuccessful.

System action

The OAM Volume Recovery will continue searching for volumes needed for the recovery. If Volume Recovery cannot determine the volume type for multiple volumes, then processing will stop and no objects will be recovered. Otherwise, processing will continue, but the recovery will be incomplete since objects will not be read from the volume identified by volser.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Investigate any previously issued DB2 error messages, and/or the previously issued OAM Initialization error messages. If there are no prior error messages related to this volume volser, then:
  • Use SPUFI (SQL Processing Using File Input) to SELECT the row for this volume from the VOLUME table. If there is no row for this volume in the VOLUME table, perhaps this is not an optical disk volume.
  • If the volume exists in the VOLUME table, then correct whatever error in the table row caused the row to be skipped during OAM initialization and restart OAM to make it refresh its internal control blocks so that it will begin to use this volume again.

    After the problem has been fixed, and OAM has been started, start the OAM Volume Recovery again to recover the objects from the volume identified by volser.

  • If the volume is not an optical volume which is known to OAM, use SPUFI (SQL Processing Using File Input) to SELECT the row for this volume from the TAPEVOL table. If there is no row for this volume in the TAPEVOL table, the OAM has no record of this volume in the optical configuration database.
  • If the volume exists in the TAPEVOL table, then correct whatever error in the table row caused the row to be skipped during OAM initialization and restart OAM to make it refresh its internal control blocks so that it will begin to use this volume again.

    After the problem has been fixed, and OAM has been started, start the OAM Volume Recovery again to recover the objects from the volume identified by volser.

  • If OAM has no record of the volume in the optical configuration database, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9833I   Backup copy {one | two} does not exist for collection collection-name, object object-name.


An operator command was issued to recover a single object; however, the requested backup copy does not exist. If backup one is indicated in the message, the recovery either specifically requested recovery using the BACKUP1 option, or the default was used. If backup copy two is indicated in the message, the recovery specifically requested recovery using the BACKUP2 option.

System action

Processing stops.

Operator response

Notify the storage administrator.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9834I   Collection collection-name, object object-name not found.


An operator command has been issued to recover a single object; however, an object with the name specified could not be found.

System action

Processing stops.

Operator response

Check the spelling of both the collection name and the object name and reissue the operator command, if necessary.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9835I   modname detected an error in a DB2 SELECT parameter list.


Probable programming error.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing in the utility stops.

System programmer response

Notify the service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9836I   modname detected an error on a DB2 SELECT request.


Probable programming error.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing in the utility stops.

System programmer response

Notify the service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9838I   Single Object Recovery received an invalid request.


The Single Object Recovery Utility detected an error in a recovery request. No recovery processing can take place.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing stops.

Operator response

Notify the service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9839I   {Single Object Recovery | Object Recall} could not acquire an SMS Storage Group Construct Definition. The reason code is reasoncode.


OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) Single Object Recovery or Object Recall attempted to acquire SMS Construct Definition data for a Storage Group and was unable to do so.

System action

OSMC will not process this object.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Examine previous error messages to determine why OSMC was unable to acquire the SMS Construct Definition data. For information on the reason code see z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9840I   modname was unable to get working storage.


A GETMAIN failed.

System action

Processing for the request is stopped.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9841I   modname was unable to get storage for a process control block.


A GETMAIN failed.

System action

Processing for the request is stopped.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9842I   Single Object Recovery did not recover collection collection-name, object object-name because of an invalid object location.


An operator command has been issued to recover a single object; however, the object has an invalid value in the ODLOCFL column of the OAM DB2 Object Directory Table.

Valid values for the ODLOCFL column are:
  • “T” - object currently resides on tape.
  • “U” - object currently resides on tape sublevel 2
  • “ ” - object currently resides on optical.
  • “D” - object currently resides on disk sublevel 1 (DB2/DASD).
  • “R” - object currently resides on disk sublevel 1 (DB2/DASD) in a recalled state.
  • “E” - object currently resides on disk sublevel 2 (file system)
  • “2” - object currently resides on disk sublevel 2 (file system) in a recalled state

System action

Processing stops.

Operator response

Notify the storage administrator.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9843I   Single Object Recovery can not recover collection coll_name, object obj_name because the volume vol_ser is not defined.


Single Object Recovery cannot recover collection coll_name and object obj_name. The volume vol_ser that the primary copy of the object resides on is not defined in the current OAM optical configuration database.

System action

OAM Single Object Recovery terminates without recovering the object.

System programmer response

Investigate to determine whether there are any previously issued DB2 error messages or any previously issued OAM initialization error messages. If there are no prior error messages related to volume vol_ser, perform the following actions:
  • If this volume is an optical volume, use SPUFI (SQL Processing Using File Input) to select the row for this volume from the OAM DB2 VOLUME table. If there is no row for this volume in the OAM DB2 VOLUME table, OAM has no record of this volume in the OAM optical configuration database.
  • If this volume is a tape volume, use SPUFI (SQL Processing Using File Input) to select the row for this volume from the OAM DB2 TAPEVOL table. If there is no row for this volume in the OAM DB2 TAPEVOL table, OAM has no record of this volume in the OAM optical configuration database.
  • If the volume exists in the VOLUME or TAPEVOL table, correct any error in the table row, which will cause the row to be skipped during OAM initialization, and restart OAM to make it refresh its internal control blocks, so that OAM will begin to use this volume again. After the problem is fixed, and OAM is restarted, start the OAM Single Object Recovery again to recover the object from the volume identified by vol_ser.
  • If OAM has no record of the volume in the optical configuration database, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9850I   Move Volume Utility starting for volume volser.


OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) has started the Move Volume utility. The Move Volume utility has begun processing. volser is the volume serial number of the source volume.

System action

OSMC processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9851I   {Move Volume | Volume Recovery} Utility unable to {obtain | restore} volume status for volume volser. RC = rc.


The Move Volume Utility or the Volume Recovery Utility attempts to obtain the status of the source volume before processing the request, and restores the status of the source volume when the utility is complete. The utility was unable to either obtain or restore the status of the source volume. The return code rc is included for diagnostic purposes only.

System action

If the utility is unable to obtain the status of the source volume, then the request cannot be processed and the utility will stop. If the utility is unable to restore the status of the source volume, the request has already been performed, but the volume is left in a state in which it cannot be written to.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

If the utility is unable to obtain the status of the source volume, investigate previous error messages which indicate why the status could not be obtained and correct the problem. Once the problem has been corrected, the utility can be started again. If the utility is unable to restore the status of the source volume, investigate previous error messages that indicate why the status could not be restored and correct the problem. Determine if the status of the source volume must be in a state other than a state in which it cannot be written to. If the volume must be in a state other than a state in which it cannot be written to, then manually change the status of the volume to the desired state.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9852I   {Move Volume | Volume Recovery} Utility processing objects in storage group storage-group for volume volser.


The Move Volume Utility and the Volume Recovery Utility process objects in one or more OBJECT storage groups to move them from the source volume. If the source volume is a primary source volume, the utility only needs to access the single OBJECT storage group the volume belongs to. If the source volume is a backup source volume, the utility needs to access all of the OBJECT storage groups in the active SCDS. This message indicates which OBJECT storage groups are needed to move objects from the source volume.

System action

The utility processes the objects in the identified storage group.

Operator response



Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9854I   Move Volume Utility processing limited for volume volser. Unresolved contention encountered in storage group storage-group when {processing objects in the storage group | obtaining statistics}.


The Move Volume Utility goes through several steps to process the request. In one or more of these steps contention may be encountered when accessing the DB2 Object Directory Table. The Move Volume Utility will retry access to the DB2 Object Directory Table in an attempt to resolve the contention. If the Move Volume Utility is unable to resolve the contention after repeated retries, then the amount of processing that the Move Volume Utility can perform is limited. Generally this means that not all objects will be moved from the source volume and that statistics can not be provided.

The amount of processing that can be performed depends upon which step the Move Volume Utility was performing when the unresolved contention was encountered.

If the unresolved contention occurs when processing objects in the storage group, then the Move Volume Utility is unable to obtain a complete list of the objects in the collection. The Move Volume Utility will process objects previously identified, but will not process the remaining objects in the collection. The Move Volume Utility will continue to the next collection in the storage group.

If the unresolved contention occurs when obtaining statistics, then the Move Volume Utility is unable to provide complete statistics.

This message will be issued each time an unresolved contention is encountered. If the Move Volume Utility repeatedly encounters unresolved contention then it will discontinue processing.

In the message text:
The source volume serial number from which objects are to be moved.
The name of the OBJECT storage group in the active SCDS.

System action

The Move Volume Utility attempts to continue processing as many objects as possible on the source volume.

Operator response

Wait until the Move Volume Utility completes and then re-enter the start command to continue processing objects on the source volume.

System programmer response

If repeated unresolved contention exists it is recommended that the Move Volume Utility be used when there is less contending system activity.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9855I   Move Volume Utility processing limited for volume volser. {More | Less} {collections | objects} than expected were found in {storage group | collection} name.


The Move Volume Utility goes through several steps to process the request. In one step it may perform a count to determine how much processing is to be performed in a later step. If the later step encounters a discrepancy, the utility will issue this message. This is typically a result of contending system activity which is interfering with the utility. Generally this means that not all objects will be moved from the source volume and that statistics can not be provided.

System action

The Move Volume Utility attempts to continue processing as many objects as possible on the source volume.

Operator response

Wait until the Move Volume Utility completes and then re-enter the start command to continue processing objects on the source volume.

System programmer response

If repeated unresolved contention exists it is recommended that the Move Volume Utility be used when there is less contending system activity.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9856I   Move Volume Utility stopping for volume volser.


OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) has stopped the Move Volume utility. The Move Volume utility has been stopped as a result of an operator request to stop OSMC or to stop the Move Volume utility for the volume volser, or an internal error occurred which has caused the utility to stop. volser is the volume serial number of the source volume.

System action

OSMC processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9857I   Move Volume Utility status for volume volser is {limited | not available}.


The Move Volume utility is not able to provide complete status of the utility or the Move Volume utility is not able to provide any status of the utility. Generally, this is due to errors in execution of DB2 SQL statements to obtain information about objects in the Object Storage Database, but may be due to other error conditions described in previous messages. volser is the volume serial number of the source volume. If the status is not available, then the status message CBR9858I will not be displayed. If the status is limited, then the status message CBR9858I will be displayed, however it will not include the counts for the number of objects which were successfully moved or the counts for the number of objects which were unsuccessfully moved.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9858I   Move Volume Utility status for volume volser. Total: total, Attempted: attempted, Successful: successful, Unsuccessful: unsuccessful, Remaining: remaining.


The Move Volume utility provides status on the processing of the request. volser is the volume serial number of the source volume.

In the message text:
The volume serial number.
The total number of objects found on the source volume.
The total number of objects for which processing has begun in this utility.
The total number of objects which have successfully been moved from the source volume and written to another volume.
The total number of objects which have been attempted (i.e. processing has begun in this utility), but which were not completed.

Note: This number does not necessarily mean that processing failed for these objects, but only that processing had started and not yet completed. When the Move Volume Utility is stopped due to operator request or due to internal errors, any objects for which processing had been started, but not yet completed are included in this number. Previous error messages will identify specific objects for which processing has failed.

The total number of objects remaining on the source volume after completion of the utility.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing continues.

Note that when processing is stopped before OAM has completed gathering information about all objects that need to be moved or when OAM is unable to obtain the number of objects that were not moved, some of the above totals cannot be accurately determined and **** is displayed instead of a count.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9859I   Move Volume Utility ending for volumes volser-1 and volser-2.


OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) has ended processing of the Move Volume utility. Previous messages describe the status of the utility. volser-1 is the volume serial number of the source volume. Whenever the RECYCLE or DELETE option is specified with the Move Volume utility for an optical volume, volser-2 will be the volume serial number of the opposite side of the optical cartridge; in all other scenarios, volser-2 will be listed as 'N/A'.

System action

OSMC processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9860I   Volume Recovery processing limited for volumes volser1 and volser2. Unresolved contention encountered in storage group storage-group when {processing objects in the storage group | obtaining statistics}.


The Volume Recovery Utility performs several steps in order to process the request. Contention may be encountered in one or more of these steps when accessing the DB2 Object Directory Table. The Volume Recovery Utility will retry access to the DB2 Object Directory Table in an attempt to resolve the contention. If the Volume Recovery Utility is unable to resolve the contention after repeated retries, then the amount of processing that the utility can perform is limited. Generally, this means that not all objects will be recovered and that statistics cannot be provided.

The amount of processing that can be performed depends upon which step the Volume Recovery Utility was performing when the unresolved contention was encountered.

If the unresolved contention occurs when processing objects in the storage group, then the Volume Recovery Utility is unable to obtain a complete list of the objects in the storage group. The Volume Recovery Utility will process objects previously identified, and will attempt to continue processing, but will skip processing for one or more objects and is unable to provide complete statistics.

If the unresolved contention occurs when obtaining statistics, then the Volume Recovery Utility is unable to provide complete statistics.

This message will be issued each time an unresolved contention is encountered. If the utility repeatedly encounters unresolved contention, it will discontinue processing.

The message text refers to the following variables:
The volume serial of the tape volume, or the first side of the optical volume being recovered.
The volume serial of the second side of the optical volume being recovered, or 'N/A' if the volume being recovered is a tape volume.
The name of the OBJECT storage group in the active SCDS.

System action

The Volume Recovery Utility attempts to continue processing as many objects as possible.

Operator response

Wait until the Volume Recovery Utility completes and then reenter the start command to continue recovering objects on the volume.

System programmer response

If repeated unresolved contention occurs, it is recommended that you use the Volume Recovery Utility when there is less contending system activity.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9862I   Volume Recovery status for volumes volser1 and volser2 is {limited | not available}.


The Volume Recovery Utility is not able to provide complete status of the utility or it is not able to provide any status of the utility. Generally, this is due to errors in execution of DB2 SQL statements to obtain information about objects in the Object Storage Database, but it may be due to other error conditions that are described in previous messages. volser1 is the tape volume serial number, or side one of the optical disk being recovered. volser2 is 'N/A' if the volume that is being recovered is a tape volume, or it is the volume serial of side two of the optical disk that is being recovered. If the status is not available, the status message CBR9863I will not be displayed. If the status is limited, the status message CBR9863I will be displayed. However, it will not include the counts for the number of objects that were successfully moved or the counts for the number of objects that were unsuccessfully moved.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9863I   Volume Recovery status for volumes volser1 and volser2. Total: total, Attempted: attempted, Successful: successful, Unsuccessful: unsuccessful, Remaining: remaining.


The Volume Recovery utility provides status on the processing of the request. volser1 and volser2 are the volume serial numbers of the volumes requested to be recovered.

The message text refers to the following variables:
The volume serial number of the tape volume, or side one of the optical disk that was recovered.
The volume serial number of side two of the optical disk that was recovered, or 'N/A' if volser1 is tape.
The total number of objects found on volser1 and volser2.
The total number of objects for which processing has begun in this utility for volser1 and volser2.
The total number of objects successfully recovered for volser1 and volser2 and written to other volumes.
The total number of attempted objects (that is, processing has begun in this utility), but which were not successfully recovered for volser1 and volser2.
Note: This number does not necessarily mean that processing failed for these objects, but only that processing had started but was not completed. When the Volume Recovery Utility is stopped, any objects for which processing had been started, but not yet completed, are included in this number. Previous error messages will identify specific objects for which processing has failed.
The total number of objects that were not recovered.
Note: When processing is stopped before OAM has completed gathering information about all objects that need to be recovered or when OAM is unable to obtain the number of objects that were not recovered, some of the above totals cannot be accurately determined and **** is displayed instead of a count.

System action

OSMC processing continues.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9864I   A total of object-count objects on volumes volser and volser2 do not have a {1st | 2nd} backup copy.


An operator command was issued to recover a primary volume but object-count objects do not have a backup copy at the requested level and therefore cannot be recovered. Recoveries are done from the first backup copy if BACKUP1 was specified on the operator command or the default was used. Recoveries are done from the second backup copy if BACKUP2 was specified on the operator command.
Note: Even if the DELETE option was specified, the volume will not be scheduled for deletion since all objects were not recovered. See message CBR9865I for more details.

System action

Processing continues if there are other objects on the volume that do have backup copies at the requested level.

System programmer response

Notify the storage administrator.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9865I   Volumes volser-1 and volser-2 will not be scheduled to be {recycled | deleted} because one or more objects could not be {moved | recovered}.


All objects must be successfully moved or recovered from the source volumes prior to scheduling a volume recycle or deletion. Volumes volser-1 and volser-2 are not going to be marked for deletion or recycle because objects still reside on them.

When the recycle or delete option is specified, delete processing is unnecessary and would only cause additional overhead. Therefore, with these options, delete processing was not done for the original copy of the object on the source volume. Because of this, the process must be restarted to be sure the volume is properly processed. Until the process is completed, the following conditions will be true:
  • For tape media, the logical kilobytes deleted field in the tape volume record will not have been updated, and therefore will not reflect activity related to the Move Volume or Volume Recovery.
  • For reusable optical media, the deleted objects will not have been inserted to the deleted objects table, so there will be orphaned objects on the media and space that will not be reclaimed until the volume is reformatted. Also, the number of objects deleted and deleted space will not have been updated, so will be incorrect.
  • The optical platter or tape volume will be left not writable.
volser-1 is the volume serial number of the source volume. When the recycle or delete option is invoked for an optical movevol or recovery, then volser-2 is the volume serial number of the opposite side of the optical platter; otherwise volser-2 will be listed as 'N/A'. Note that the recycle option is not available for volume recovery.

System action

Processing for the request is stopped.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Correct the problem that caused one or more objects to fail the move or recovery and then reschedule the move or recovery. If CBR9864I preceded this message, then those objects without a backup copy must either be manually deleted, moved off the volume, or have a backup copy written before the volume can be scheduled for deletion through the volume recovery utility. Note that if another backup copy exists for these objects than the one specified on the operator command or by default (BACKUP1), then if desired, it is possible to use that copy to schedule the volume recovery delete.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9866I   Move Volume Utility for volume volser-1 encountered errors and {recycle | delete} will not be scheduled.


While attempting to move objects from optical volume volser-1, nonfatal errors occurred which will make it impossible to schedule the requested recycle or delete for volume volser-1 and its opposite side. It is possible, however, to continue with Move Volume processing for the opposite side volume. If the reply to CBR9867D is 'GO', then Move Volume processing can continue for the opposite side. If the reply to CBR9867D is 'QUIT' then the opposite side will not be processed and the Move Volume utility will end.

When the recycle or delete option is specified, delete processing is unnecessary and would only cause additional overhead. Therefore, with these options, delete processing was not done for the original copy of the object on the source volume. Because of this, the process must be restarted to be sure the volume is properly processed. Until the process is completed, the following conditions will be true:
  • For reusable optical media, the deleted objects will not have been inserted to the deleted objects table so there will be orphaned objects on the media and space that will not be reclaimed until the volume is reformatted. Also, the number of objects deleted and deleted space will not have been updated, and therefore will not reflect activity related to the Move Volume.
  • The optical platter will be left not writable.
volser-1 is the volume serial number of the source optical volume.

System action

Issues CBR9867D and waits for the operator response.

Operator response

Respond to CBR9867D with 'GO' or 'QUIT'.

System programmer response

When the Move Volume utility finishes, correct the problem that caused one or more objects to fail the move, and then reschedule the Move Volume utility.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9867D   Reply 'QUIT' to terminate or 'GO' to proceed with move volume utility for opposite side volume volser-2.


While attempting to move objects from an optical volume, nonfatal errors occurred which will make it impossible to schedule the requested recycle or delete for the volume and its opposite side volser-2. It is possible, however, to continue with Move Volume processing for the opposite side volume. If the reply is 'GO', then Move Volume processing can continue for volume volser-2. If the reply is 'QUIT' then volser-2 will not be processed and the Move Volume utility will end.

System action

Waits for the operator response.

Operator response

Respond to the message with 'GO' or 'QUIT'.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9874I   A Move Volume request initiated by the OAM Start Recycle Command has been rejected for volume volser. An OSMC {OAM Volume Recovery | Move Volume} request for the volume is currently {queued | processing}.


The request to start a Move Volume on behalf of a MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command has been rejected. OAM Storage Management Component OSMC currently has a request queued or is currently processing an OAM Volume Recovery or Move Volume for volser.

System action

OAM Start Recycle command processing will not process this volume. Recycle continues processing.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9875I   Recycle Candidates: The following volumes are candidates for OAM RECYCLE command processing using pv=percentvalid, lim=limit, scope=scope, maxrecycletasks=maxrecycletasks, TSL=tapesublevel.text


This message is issued in response to either a F OAM,START,RECYCLE operator command or a D SMS,OSMC,TASK(RECYCLE) operator command. The volumes displayed have met the criteria specified with the current MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command. The list is sorted in ascending order by the volumes’ percentvalid. If DISPLAY was specified with the MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command these volumes are listed but the actual processing of these volumes will not be done.

text is as follows:
volser   pctv   sgname  status  volser   pctv   sgname  status
volser   pctv   sgname  status  volser   pctv   sgname  status
volser   pctv   sgname  status  volser   pctv   sgname  status
OAM Recycle: End of OAM Recycle candidate volumes. Total volumes=nnnn.
is the percentage amount of the valid data on the volume.
is the limit value specified on the MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command. It indicates the maximum number of volumes to be processed by the MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command. If DISPLAY is specified, the value for limit will be N/A.
is the scope specified on the MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command.
is the value specified in the SETOAM MAXRECYCLETASKS statement in the CBROAMxx PARMLIB member. This value represents the global specification for the number of concurrent recycle tasks allowed on the system.
is the tape sublevel specified by specifying the TSL= KEYWORD on the F OAM,START,RECYCLE command.
The valid values for tapesublevel are:
All group volumes are candidates for recycle without regard to tape sublevel.
TSL= was not specified on the MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command. For group volumes, the default processing is that all group volumes are candidates for recycle without regard to tape sublevel.

This value is also displayed when processing backup storage groups for recycle.

Only group volumes associated with tape sublevel 1 are candidates for recycle.
Only group volumes associated with tape sublevel 2 are candidates for recycle.
is the volume serial of a candidate volume.
is the percentvalid of volser.
is the storage group name associated with volser.
is the current status of volser. If this display is the result of a F OAM,START,RECYCLE command, the status will be displayed as blank. If this display is the result of a D SMS,OSMC,TASK(RECYCLE) command, valid values for volume status will be displayed.
Valid values for volume status are:
the volume is a candidate for recycle processing.
A :
the volume is currently active and is being recycled.
the volume has completed recycle processing, either successfully or unsuccessfully.
the volume has been selected for recycle processing, is queued and is waiting for an available task to begin the recycle processing for this volume.
the volume is ineligible. This means the volume is already involved in either a MOVEVOL or VOLUME RECOVERY or the volume's storage group is not defined in the active SMS configuration or the volume is currently mounted on another instance of OAM in an OAMplex.
the volume has been stopped by either an F OAM,STOP,MOVEVOL,volume or an F OAM,STOP,RECYCLE operator command.
is the total number of volumes in this display, which is also the total number of volumes that matched the criteria specified in this RECYCLE command.
Note: This message is issued to the hardcopy log only.

System action


System programmer response



Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9880I   OAM START RECYCLE command starting.


A MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command has been issued and is starting.

System action

MOVEVOL processing continues.

Operator response

Refer to the MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command documentation for more information.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9881I   OAM START RECYCLE command ending {successfully | unsuccessfully}. Reason is {limit reached | display specified | no more volumes available | no more volumes with storage group tasks | no volumes available | no volumes with storage group tasks | MAXRECYCLETASKS = 0 | RECYCLE already active | stopped by RECYCLE STOP command | stopped due to OSMC termination | error building RECYCLE master control block | error building volume list | error sorting volume list | no volumes eligible to be recycled | stopped by OSMC STOP command}.


A START RECYCLE command was entered and it has completed. The success or failure of the START RECYCLE command is displayed and explained.
The START RECYCLE command completed successfully. Possible successful completions are:
limit reached:
The START RECYCLE command has processed the requested number of volumes.
display specified:
The START RECYCLE command was issued with the DISPLAY keyword. No further processing is requested.
no more volumes available:
There were no more volumes available to RECYCLE. This is not an error, as the START RECYCLE command processed all volumes that met criteria.
no more volumes with storage group tasks:
There were no more volumes that have a storage group MAXRECYCLETASKS specification greater than zero.
The START RECYCLE command completed unsuccessfully. Possible unsuccessful completions are:
no volumes available:
There were no volumes available to RECYCLE that met the criteria specified on the MODIFY OAM,START,RECYCLE command.
no volumes with storage group tasks:
There were no volumes available that have a storage group SGMAXRECYCLETASKS specification greater than zero. At least one eligible RECYCLE candidate volume must be associated to a storage group that has a SETOAM SGMAXRECYCLETASKS specification in the CBROAMxx Parmlib member greater than zero.
The SETOAM MAXRECYCLETASKS specification is zero.

The SETOAM MAXRECYCLETASKS specification in the CBROAMxx PARMLIB member must be greater than zero to allow START RECYCLE command processing.

RECYCLE already active:
There is already an active START RECYCLE command. There can only be one active START RECYCLE command processing on a system.
stopped by RECYCLE stop command:
STOP RECYCLE command has terminated the START RECYCLE command processing.
stopped due to OSMC termination:
The START RECYCLE command has terminated due to OSMC termination.
error building RECYCLE master control block:
An error occurred while attempting to acquire the storage for the RECYCLE master control block.
error building volume list:
An error occurred while attempting to acquire the storage for the RECYCLE candidate volume list.
error sorting volume list:
An error occurred while sorting the RECYCLE candidate volume list. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.
no volumes eligible to be recycled:
There were no volumes that could be recycled at this time. This could be due to the volume(s) already being processed by a VOLUME RECOVERY command or a MOVEVOL command. Determine if it is desired to re-issue the command using different criteria.

System action

MRecycle command ends.

Operator response

Inform system programmer if the command ended unsuccessfully.

System programmer response

If command ended unsuccessfully, resolve error and resubmit the recycle command.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9882I   A {STOP | DISPLAY} RECYCLE command was issued. There is not an active recycle task.


A MODIFY OAM,STOP,RECYCLE command or a D SMS,OSMC,TASK(RECYCLE) command has been issued and there is not an active recycle task.

System action


Operator response


System programmer response



Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9883I   MOVEVOL volume volser is a scratch volume.


A MOVEVOL command has been issued for volume volser. Volser is a scratch volume. Scratch volumes contain no valid data, so no data will be moved.

System action

MOVEVOL processing continues.

Operator response



Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9884I   A STOP RECYCLE command was issued and a STOP RECYCLE command is already active.


An MODIFY OAM,STOP,RECYCLE command has been issued and a MODIFY OAM,STOP,RECYCLE command has already been issued for the active START RECYCLE command.

System action


Operator response


System programmer response



Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9890I   Object Recall could not recall collection collection-name, object object-name because the object has {been deleted | an invalid location}.


OSMC attempted to recall collection collection-name, object object-name, but one of the following conditions occurred:
  • The object with the name specified could not be found. The object was deleted after OSMC received the request to perform the recall, but before OSMC began to actually process the request.
  • The object with the name specified has an invalid location, caused by an invalid value in the ODLOCFL column of the OAM DB2 Object Directory Table.
    Valid values for the ODLOCFL column include:
    • blank - object currently resides on Optical.
    • D - object currently resides on Disk Sublevel 1 (DB2).
    • R - object currently resides on Disk Sublevel 1 in a recalled state.
    • E - object currently resides on Disk Sublevel 2 (File System.)
    • 2 - object currently resides on Disk Sublevel 2 in a recalled state.
    • T - object currently resides on Tape Sublevel 1.
    • U - object currently resides on Tape Sublevel 2.
    Note that the ODLOCFL column might contain an invalid value if the object was stored or transitioned at a higher level system. For example; ODLOCFL values of E and 2 are supported at z/OS® V1R13 and above, but would be considered invalid on pre-V1R13 level systems.

System action

Object is not recalled.

Operator response



Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9891I   Object Backup could not backup collection collection-name, object object-name because the object is not found.


OSMC attempted to backup collection collection-name, object object-name, but the object with the name specified could not be found. The object was deleted or not committed after OSMC received the request to perform the backup, but before OSMC began to actually process the request.

System action

No backup copy is created for this object.

Operator response



Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9901I   GETMAIN failed in module module-name for control-block.


The GETMAIN macro failed while OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) was attempting to obtain storage for the control block. The module that issued the GETMAIN is module-name for control block control-block. This message is preceded by message CBR7004I which contains the return code from the GETMAIN macro.

System action

OSMC processing stops.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Investigate the return code from the GETMAIN macro and refer to the documentation for message CBR7004I.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9902I   FREEMAIN error in module module-name for control-block.


The FREEMAIN macro failed while OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) was attempting to free storage for the control block. The module that issued the FREEMAIN is module-name. This message is preceded by message CBR7005I which contains the return code from the FREEMAIN macro.

System action

OSMC processing stops.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Investigate the return code from the FREEMAIN macro and refer to the documentation for message CBR7005I.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9905I   CBRHINIT unable to LOAD module module-name.


An error occurred during the issuing of a LOAD macro when attempting to load module module-name. The error routine specified on the LOAD macro was given control, indicating that an error condition that would have caused the task to abnormally stop was detected.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing stops.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

For additional information on the LOAD macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference LLA-SDU.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9906I   DELETE error in module module-name, RC = reason-code, ENTRY = entry-name.


An error occurred during the issuing of a DELETE macro. The return code found in register 15 following the issuance of the DELETE macro is reason-code. The entry name of the entry being deleted is entry-name. The DELETE macro was issued in module module-name.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing continues.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

For additional information on the DELETE macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9909I   An IDENTIFY macro failed in module module-name for entry entry-name.


OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) issued an IDENTIFY macro that failed. This message is preceded by message CBR7018I.

System action

OSMC processing stops.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Investigate the return code from the IDENTIFY macro and refer to the documentation of message CBR7018I. For additional information on the return codes from the IDENTIFY macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9910I   ESTAE error in module module-name, rc = reason-code.


An error occurred during the issuing of an ESTAE macro. The return code in register 15 following issuing of the ESTAE macro is reason-code. The ESTAE macro was issued in module module-name.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing continues.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

For additional information on return codes from the ESTAE macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9911I   STIMERM SET error in module module-name , RC = reason-code.


An error occurred during the implementation of an STIMERM SET macro. An error routine was given control following implementation of an STIMERM SET macro indicating the STIMERM SET function could not be performed. The return code in register 15 following implementation of the STIMERM SET macro is rc. The STIMERM SET macro was issued in module module-name.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component continues processing.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

For additional information on return codes from the STIMERM macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9912I   ctcname modname A request to read Object from collection collection-name,object object-name in storage-group failed. The return code is return-code, and the reason code is reason-code.


The control task ctcname module modname attempted to read an object from collection collection-name object object-name in storage group storage-group. Return codes indicate that the read was not successful.

In the message text:
The control task name.
The module name.
The collection name.
The name of the object.
The storage group name.
The return code will be 16 which means a data error.
The reason code will be one of two reason codes as follows:

RS=9013 - Indicates object size read from DB2 does not match the object size stored as ODSIZE in the object directory table entry.

RS=9014 - Indicates segments returned from the read were either out of order or a segment is missing. Refer to the OTSEG portion of the object directory table entry.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

Document the reason code and notify the System programmer and/or the Database administrator.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9913I   CAF open failed in module module-name for control task ctcname. Return code reason-code.


CBRKCAF returned a nonzero return code. Return codes are for internal diagnostic purposes only. Ctcname contains the name of the control task and rc is the return code in register 15 upon return from CBRKCAF.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component processing stops.

System programmer response

Notify the service representative.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9914I   A DB2 operation for ctcname module module-name failed.


A DB2 operation requested by OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) processor ctcname or service routine module-name failed. For OSMC processing, this message is preceded by message CBR9700I and either message CBR9701I or message CBR9704I.

System action

OAM stops processing for this object or stop relabeling the volume.

Operator response

Notify database administrator.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9915I   Module module-name is stopping OSMC control task ctcname because of repeating error condition message-id.


The control task ctcname module module-name stops processing when a specific error condition message-id occurs multiple times. The failures may be either consecutive or cumulative depending of the error type. The message-id will be either a repeating CBRxxxx message number or a repeating DB2 SQL return code.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component stops all processing for this control task immediately.

Operator response

Examine previous error messages with message number message-id to determine the reason for stopping, or if a DB2 SQL return code visit the DB2 information center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/imzic.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9916I   The Auto-Delete Installation Exit returned an invalid return code. Collection collection-name object object-name in storage group storage-group was not deleted. The invalid return code was rc.


The Auto-Delete Installation Exit sent an incorrect return code return-code. No further deletions will be allowed for this storage group.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer. The next start of OAM will load the corrected version of the auto-delete installation exit.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9918I   The Auto-Delete Installation Exit failed. Collection collection-name object object-name in storage group storage-group was not deleted. No further deletions will be allowed for this storage group.


The Auto-Delete Installation Exit ended abnormally. No further deletions will be allowed for this storage group.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Correct the Auto-Delete Installation Exit. The next start of OAM will load the corrected version of the Auto-Delete Installation Exit.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9920I   ctcname modname A write to DASD was requested for collection collection-name object object-name in storage-group. Object was not written as object was already on DASD.


The control task ctcname module modname attempted to write collection collection-name object object-name in storage group storage-group from optical to DASD. Return codes from SQL/DB2 indicated that the object already resided in the 4K or 32K tables.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

Notify system programmer.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9921I   ctcname modname A request to delete collection collection-name object object-name in storage-group failed. The DB2 SQL error code is SQL-code


The control task ctcname module modname attempted to delete collection collection-name object object-name in storage group storage-group. Return codes from DB2 indicate that the delete could not be scheduled. The delete will be scheduled in the next OAM Storage Management Component cycle.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

Notify system programmer.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9922I   ctcname modname A request to delete collection collection-name object object-name in storage-group failed. The return code is return-code, and the reason code is reason-code.


The control task ctcname module modname attempted to delete collection collection-name object object-name in storage group storage-group. Return codes indicate that the delete could not be scheduled. For information on the return and reason codes, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis under "CBRXLCS Return and Reason Codes" or "OAM Macro Return and Reason Codes". The delete will be scheduled in the next OAM Storage Management Component cycle.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

Notify system programmer.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code


CBR9923I   ctcname modname volume data request failed for volume volser.


The control task ctcname module modname tried to get data about volume volser and failed. Volume volser was not found in the internal copy of the OAM volume configuration tables.

System action

OAM Storage Management Component control task ctcname stops when DB2 fails or when multiple errors occur.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

Investigate prior DB2 error messages which may indicate the cause of the failure. Investigate prior OAM initialization error messages for conditions which may have resulted in the skipping of a DB2 volume or tape volume table row during OAM initialization.

If the cause of the problem cannot be determined from the previous error messages, or if the problem recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix to the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


Object Access Method (OAM)

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Descriptor Code


CBR9924I   modname could not locate the storage group definition for storage group storage-group.


Module modname attempted to locate the storage group definition for storage group storage-group in the active SCDS, but could not locate it.

System action

Processing stops.

Operator response

Notify system programmer.

System programmer response

Investigate why the storage group is not defined in the active SCDS. If necessary, activate the SCDS containing the storage group identified.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code