CBR6415I   An error occurred for DDNAME = ddname on tape volume volser for collection collname and object objname. Invalid blockid returned from device. Starting blockid = ssssss, ending blockid = eeeeee.


An error has been detected after receiving blockid information from the tape device. The ending blockid of eeeeee should never be less than or equal to the starting blockid of ssssss. To further diagnose this problem, customer will need to have hardware traces put on their tape drives and wait for another occurrence of this message.

System action

OAM will take the following action:
  • The OAM request which required the volume volser will be retried using a different volume.
  • The volume volser will be marked 'non-writable,' so no more write requests will be processed on this volume.

Operator response

To further diagnose this problem, customer will need to have hardware traces put on their tape drives and wait for another occurrence of this message. Once the customer has determined this volume serial number is okay to use for writes again, the customer can use the MODIFY OAM,UPDATE,VOLUME,volser,WRITABLE,Y command to clear the non-writable condition.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code