

During backup or recovery of the data set dsname1, DFSMShsm has attempted to create a RACF® discrete profile for the data set. The data set dsname2 has been the model RACF profile for the creation of the new profile. The profile creation has failed. RACF has issued the return-code in the message. return codes from RACF are documented in z/OS Security Server RACF Macros and Interfaces , and contain a description of return codes from the RACDEF macro. If the return code is not found in the RACDEF macro, it is a special case and is the return code from the RACINIT macro.

If dsname1 has the form:

backup-prefix.BACK.user1.user2.Xyddd. Thhmmss,

a backup profile has been created during data set backup. If dsname2 has that form, a backup profile has been used as a model for the recovered data set’s profile.

If both dsname1 and dsname2 have this form, dsname1 has been used as a model profile for transferring a backup profile during backup version deletion.

If neither dsname1 nor dsname2 has that form, a profile creation has been attempted for the data set specified with the NEWNAME parameter for the RECOVER or HRECOVER commands or a profile has been created after renaming the target data set to a temporary name. The model profile for dsname2’s profile has been that of the original data set or the renamed original data set.

If UPDATE appears in the message, an attempt has been made to update the data set’s profile following data set recall or recovery. The profile should correspond with the volume serial number of the recall or recovery target volume. The RACF profile update has failed. The return-code in the message has been returned by RACF. If the return-code is 24, an abnormal end has occurred when the discrete profile has been updated, probably because the profile already contains the volume serial number being added.

If DELETION appears in the message, DFSMShsm has attempted to delete a discrete RACF data set profile associated with the backup version of a RACF-indicated data set.

System action

DFSMShsm processing continues.

Programmer response

For DELETION, the RACF security administrator should determine the cause of the failure. If the profile does not exist, no further action is necessary. If the profile does exist, the security administrator should manually delete the profile using the RACF TSO DELDSD command. For UPDATE, the RACF security administrator or system programmer should determine the cause of the failure and manually update the profile.
