

A DEFINE command was issued to define a dump class. If MODIFIED is indicated, the dump class that existed before the DEFINE command was issued and the dump class attributes that were changed were successfully recorded in the DFSMShsm backup control data set (BCDS). If SUCCESSFUL is indicated, a new class was defined without an error or the definition did not change any attributes of an existing class. A value of 0 is returned for return-code for SUCCESSFUL and MODIFIED.

If DISABLED is indicated, the dump class existed before the DEFINE command was issued and before you specified the DISABLE parameter. The dump class record was marked disabled. You can neither do further dumps nor add dump volumes to this class.

When DISABLED, the values for return-code are:
No dump volumes in the dump class contained valid dump copies. Any empty volume assigned to this class is now unassigned.
At least one dump volume assigned to the class contained part of a valid dump copy. Any volumes containing valid data in the class remain unchanged. Any volumes that did not contain part of a valid dump copy were unassigned.
If UNSUCCESSFUL is indicated, the dump class definition failed. Possible return-code values are:
An error reading, writing, or updating the dump class record (DSR) occurred. See an accompanying ARC0184I message for further details.
The RETENTIONPERIOD specified was less than 1 or greater than 9999, or it was not NOLIMIT.
The FREQUENCY specified was less than 0 or greater than 999.
The UNIT specified is invalid. Only the following tape units are valid: 3400-4, 3400-5, 3400-6, 3400-9, 3480, 3480X, 3490, or valid esoteric tape unit names.
The DAY specified is invalid. It is either less than 1 or greater than the number of days in the dump cycle, or it is the number of an N day in the cycle.
A DEFINE command was issued with the DISABLE parameter for a dump class that does not exist.
A DEFINE command was issued with the VTOCCOPIES parameter. The value specified for this parameter was not a numeric value between 0 and 100.
A DEFINE command was issued with the TAPEEXPIRATIONDATE parameter. The year value specified for this parameter was not a valid year from the current year (YY) to 99, or from the current year (YYYY) to 2155.
A DEFINE command was issued with the TAPEEXPIRATIONDATE parameter. The value specified was not 5 or 7 numeric characters.
A DEFINE command was issued with the TAPEEXPIRATIONDATE parameter. The year specified for this parameter was a valid year after 1999; however, the level of MVS™ or DFP installed does not support expiration dates past 1999. A year between 1900 and 1999 is required.
A DEFINE command was issued with the TAPEEXPIRATIONDATE parameter. The days value specified for this parameter was not in the range between 001 to 366.
A DEFINE command was issued with the TAPEEXPIRATIONDATE parameter. The date specified was in the past.
A DEFINE command was issued with the TAPEEXPIRATIONDATE parameter. The date was specified using the form yyddd, but the current date is after 1999.
A DEFINE command was issued with the STACK parameter. The stack value specified is out of the valid range of 1 - 255.
A DEFINE command was issued with the ENCRYPT parameter. One of RSA, KEYPASSWORD, and NONE must be specified with ENCRYPT when a new dump class is being defined.
A DEFINE command was issued with the ENCRYPT parameter. The NONE keyword was specified with conflicting encryption keywords.
A DEFINE command was issued with the ENCRYPT parameter. The TYPE keyword was specified without its required parameter.
A DEFINE command was issued with the ENCRYPT parameter. Both KEYPASSWORD and TYPE(ENCTDES) were specified on the command, or one was specified on the command while the other was previously set in the dump class. Encryption type ENCTDES and KEYPASSWORD cannot both be set in a dump class definition.
A DEFINE command was issued with the ENCRYPT parameter. KEYPASSWORD was specified with an invalid password. The password must be 8 to 32 characters in length.
A DEFINE command was issued with the ENCRYPT parameter. ICOUNT was specified without the KEYPASSWORD keyword.
A DEFINE command was issued with the ENCRYPT parameter. The ICOUNT value specified was not in the range between 1 to 10000.
A DEFINE command was issued with the HWCOMPRESS parameter. The required YES/NO parameter was not specified with the HWCOMPRESS keyword.
A DEFINE DUMPCLASS command was issued with FASTREPLICATIONDUMP and the RESET parameter or the dump class specified on the FRBACKUP DUMP command was previously defined with RESET. FASTREPLICATIONDUMP and RESET cannot both be set in a dump class definition and a dump class defined with the RESET parameter cannot be used for a fast replication dump.
Start of change48End of change
Start of changeA DEFINE command was issued with the ZCOMPRESS parameter. The required YES/NO parameter was not specified with the ZCOMPRESS keyword.End of change

System action

If UNSUCCESSFUL, the DEFINE command fails. DFSMShsm processing continues.

Programmer response

If UNSUCCESSFUL and the return code is not 2, determine the incorrect parameter, correct it, and issue the DEFINE command again. For return code 2, determine the cause of the control data set access error, correct it, and issue the DEFINE command again.
