(ttt)-mmmmm(yy), THE ANTRQST MACRO FAILED DURING AN FCWITHDRAW WITH DDSW=YES REQUEST FOR {EXTENT starting_c:h-ending_c:h | VOLUME volser | DATA SET dsname ON VOLUME volser } WITH RETURN CODE return_code AND REASON CODE reason_code RETINFO: ret_info


DFSMSdss invokes the ANTRQST macro for an FCWITHDRAW with DDSW=YES request and ANTRQST fails with listed hex ANTRQST return code, reason code, and return information (ret_info).

For a DEFRAG operation, this error occurs after the successful movement of the extent and the source extent might still be active in a FlashCopy® relationship. This might prevent the source extent from being selected as a FlashCopy target.

For a COPY FULL, COPY TRACKS, RESTORE FULL or RESTORE TRACKS operation, free space that is made available because the VTOC on target volume is overlaid might still be active in FlashCopy relationships.

For a COPY DATASET operation, this error occurs after a usable pre-allocated target dat set is chosen. The pre-allocated data set might still be active in a data set FlashCopy relationship. This might prevent FlashCopy from being used to copy the data set.

System action

For COPY DATASET operations, if FASTREPLICATION(REQUIRED) is specified, ADR938E is issued if the pre-allocated target data is still active in FlashCopy relationships. If FASTREPLICATION(REQUIRED) was not specified, and no other errors occurred for this particular data set, any existing FlashCopy relationships no longer exist after the copy is completed.

In all cases, processing continues. The return code is 4.

Operator response


Programmer response

See z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services for an explanation of ANTRQST return_code, reason_code, and ret_info.

For DEFRAG operation, use the TSO FCWITHDR command with DDSW=YES to withdraw extents that remained in FlashCopy relationships. See z/OS DFSMS Advanced Copy Services for more information about FlashCopy TSO commands.

For RESTORE and COPY operations, use the TSO FCWITHDR command with DDSW=YES to withdraw the FlashCopy relationships for the volume. Be aware that any FlashCopy relationship established since the COPY or RESTORE operation will be affected by the TSO FCWITHDR command.

For COPY DATASET operations, if FASTREPLICATION(REQUIRED) was specified and a data set received an ADR918I return code 9, and ADR938E, use the TSO FCWITHDR command with DDSW=YES specifying extents, to withdraw the FlashCopy relationships for the data set. If FASTREPLICATION(REQUIRED) was not specified and no ADR938E message was received, then no action is necessary. You might also delete the existing target data set and return the job.
