XCOUPLE PURGE COMPLETE FOR XRC entity(name) IN MSESSION (msession_id) MHLQ(mhlq)


In the message text:
This indicates what kind of XRC entity the message refers to. The valid values are:
The message refers to an XRC session.
The message refers to a XRC cluster.

The XCOUPLE command with PURGE has completed for XRC session session_id. To determine if the command was successfully completed, search the system log for any ANTC error messages that indicate a failure to remove coupled information from either the session's state data set or the msession's associated master data set. If no error messages were issued for this command, the XCOUPLE PURGE command was successful, and the session is now uncoupled from the master session msession_id with the high-level qualifier of mhlq. Session consistency, error handling, and processing of XSUSPEND and XEND commands are now restored to normal operation.

System action

XRC functions are active.

System programmer response

This message reports the completion of the XCOUPLE PURGE request. If an error occurs while processing the XCOUPLE request, an ANTC message will be issued indicating that the particular error occurred. See this message for actions to take to allow the XCOUPLE function to complete successfully. If an XCOUPLE function should have occurred but has not, search the problem reporting databases for a solution. If no solution exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the system log and SVC dump of the associated ANTASnnn address space. You can obtain the dump by issuing MODIFY ANTASnnn,DUMP.


Extended remote copy (XRC).