XQUERY FAILED FOR SESSION(session_id), RC=return_code REAS=reason_code


The XQUERY command for session session_id has failed with return code return_code and reason code reason_code.

System action

XRC functions are active.

System programmer response

See SDM and XRC return codes for an explanation of the return codes. You can have specified an incorrect master session high-level qualifier on the XQUERY command. Correct the error and reenter the command. If the problem persists, search the problem reporting databases for a solution. If no solution exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the system log and SVC dumps of the ANTAS000 and any ANTASnnn address spaces that are active. To determine which address spaces are active, enter the console command DISPLAY A,ANTAS*. If an XRC error is indicated in the system log, also provide pertinent SYS1.LOGREC information. Based on the return and reason codes, XRC can not be processing normally. In this case, end and restart the XRC session. If the session fails to end properly, cancel the ANTAS000 and ANTASnnn address spaces. After you cancel these address spaces, ANTAS000 automatically restarts. When message ANTB8001I is received, restart XRC operations by entering an XSTART command.


Extended remote copy (XRC).