operation_type ANTRQST ERROR, SSID=ssid SCID=scid RC=return_code REAS=reason_code


A MODIFY operation_type operation was issued using the ANTRQST XRC API, and the operation ended in error. ssid is the storage control the command was issued to. scid is the storage control session id that was part of the operation. return_code and reason_code are the values returned by the ANTRQST invocation. These are documented in the ANTRQSTL macro that is supplied by XRC. If the ANTRQST request is a general request, the ssid will be **** and scid will be **.

System action

XRC cancels the operation.

System programmer response

Use the error descriptions found in ANTRQSTL to determine the error that occurred, and the action to take.


Extended remote copy (XRC).