(ttt)-mmmmm(yy), THE FOLLOWING DATA SETS ON VOLUME volume_serial_number {WILL NOT BE | WERE NOT} SUCCESSFULLY PROCESSED dsname CATALOG: catalog_name


 REASON: rc,mmmmm(yy),[volser],[reason]
           {[,catlg func,catlg rsn code,catlg mod id,
           parmlist rsn code,catlg service id] |
           [,VVR func,VVDS manager rsn code] |
           [,SMPM CFPurge rc, SMPM CFPurge rsn code]}
 AIX:      aix name rc,[volser],[reason]
           {[,catlg func,catlg rsn code,catlg mod id,
           parmlist rsn code,catlg service id] |
           [,VVR func,VVDS manager rsn code]}
 PATH: path name rc
           [,catlg func,catlg rsncode,catlg mod id,
           parmlist rsncode,catlg service id]
The listed data set (or its associated AIX® or PATH) failed conversion either to or from SMS management, where rc is the reason code for the data set failing. If the data set is multivolume and the error occurred on a volume other than the one being processed by CONVERTV at that time, then the volume serial number of this other volume is printed. If a multivolume data set fails conversion because one of the other volumes that the data set is on is ineligible for SMS processing, then this reason is printed after the volume serial number. If the error occurred in a catalog call, then the catalog function code, catalog reason code, catalog module ID, and parmlist reason code are printed. See IDC3009I for an explanation of the error, where:
IDC3009I return_code = ADR878E catalog_reason_code IDC3009I reason_code = ADR878E parmlist_reason_code IDC3009I module_ID = ADR878E catlg module_ID
If the error occurred in a VVR REQUEST function call, then the VVR function code that failed and the VVDS manager reason code are printed. See message IDC3009I under return code 50 for an explanation of the VVDS manager reason code.

If the error occurred in an SMPM CFPurge function invocation, then the SMPM CFPurge return codes and reason codes are printed. See the z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis for explanations of the return and reason codes.

The reason codes are:
The data set is not supported in an SMS environment (ABSTR, unmovable, model DSCB, CVOL, nonintegrated catalog facility VSAM catalog, or nonintegrated catalog facility VSAM data set).
The data set is not supported in a non-SMS environment (PDSE, HFS or extended format data set).
The data set is an uncataloged GDS.
The data set has extended attributes. Data sets with extended attributes cannot reside on non-SMS volumes.
The data set is a cataloged GDS, but it is not cataloged in the standard order of search.
The data set is a GDS with nonspecific volumes.
The data set is a GDS with candidate volumes.
ACS routines did not return SMS constructs for the data set.
A null storage class was returned for the data set.
The storage class definition cannot be retrieved for the data set.
The data set is multivolume, extents for the data set exist on volume volser, volume volser was not specified in the volume list, and SELECTMULTI(ALL) was specified (or defaulted to).
The data set is multivolume, volume volser is the first volume of the data set (for VSAM, volume volser is the first volume of the data component), volume volser was not specified in the volume list, and SELECTMULTI(FIRST) was specified.
The data set is multivolume and has extents on volumes volume_serial_number that are in different storage groups.
The data set has candidate volumes volume_serial_number that are in different storage groups.
The data set is multivolume and has extents on volumes volume_serial_number that are ineligible for conversion for the reasons given. (See message ADR874E for volume reason code.)
The data set has candidate volumes volume_serial_number that are ineligible for conversion for the reasons given. (See message ADR874E for volume reason code.)
The data set is multivolume and is not cataloged.
The data set is not cataloged in the standard search order, and the CATALOG keyword was not specified.
The data set is not cataloged in the standard search order, and a duplicate entry was found in another catalog.
The data set is not cataloged in the standard search order, and a duplicate entry was found in a standard order of search catalog.
The VSAM base cluster is in a sphere where all data sets are not convertible to SMS management.
The catalog to which the AIX’s sphere is directed is different from the catalog to which the AIX’s related base cluster is directed. All components must be in the same catalog.
The catalog to which the path’s sphere is directed is different from the catalog to which the path’s related base cluster is directed. All components must be in the same catalog.
ALTER failed during an attempt to update the catalog entry for the data set.
DELETE NOSCRATCH failed during an attempt to delete the catalog entry for the data set.
DEFINE RECATALOG failed during an attempt to recatalog the data set.
DEFINE ALIAS failed during an attempt to define the aliases for the data set.
DEFINE CATALOG failed during an attempt to catalog the data set.
CATALOG NAME LOCATE failed during an attempt to determine where the data set should be cataloged according to standard order of search.
DEFINE PATH failed during an attempt to define a path.
LOCATE failed.
The VSAM base cluster is in a sphere that includes data sets with catalog errors.
Read non-VSAM volume record (NVR) failed in the VVDS manager.
Get for update of non-VSAM volume record (NVR) failed in the VVDS manager.
Put for update of non-VSAM volume record (NVR) failed in the VVDS manager.
Delete of non-VSAM volume record (NVR) failed in the VVDS manager.
Insert of non-VSAM volume record (NVR) failed in the VVDS manager.
Read VSAM volume record (VVR) failed in the VVDS manager.
Get for update of VSAM volume record (VVR) failed in the VVDS manager.
Put of VSAM volume record (VVR) failed in the VVDS manager.
The VSAM base cluster is in a sphere that includes data sets with VVR errors.
Read of the VTOC failed during an attempt to update the SMS indicator for the data set.
Rewrite of the VTOC failed during an attempt to update the SMS indicator for the data set.
The VSAM base cluster is in a sphere that includes data sets with VTOC entry update errors.
The VSAM component does not have a corresponding VTOC entry.
The non-VSAM data set is SMS-managed, but its NVR cannot be found.
Storage class authorization for the data set failed.
Management class authorization for the data set failed.
Both storage class and management class authorization for the data set failed.
DFSMSdss invoked the SMPM CFPurge function to purge the data in the coupling facility caches for the data set. The SMPM CFPurge function returned the listed return and reason codes.
Unable to get extent information from the VTOC.
Data set is HFS file.
The data set failed enqueue.
The data set is an extended sequential data set (SAM striped).
Extended format VSAM data set.
Extended addressable non-extended format VSAM Linear data set.
The data set has RLS information associated with it, and therefore is not supported in this release.
The data set is marked as checkpointed.
A component of the VSAM base cluster or alternate index has more than 255 extents, which requires System Managed Storage (SMS).

System action

Processing continues with the next data set. The volume will not be successfully converted to or from SMS management. The return code is 8.

Operator response


Programmer response

Move or delete the data set from the volume.
Update ACS routines to return SMS constructs for the data set.
Verify ACS routines to ensure that the data set is defined to a storage class.
Take one of the following actions and rerun the job:
  • Specify SELECTMULTI(FIRST) and include the first volume of the data set in the input volume list. For VSAM data sets, you must include the first volume of the data component in the input volume list.
  • Specify SELECTMULTI(ALL) (this is the default if you do not specify SELECTMULTI) and include all volumes of the data set in the input volume list.
  • Specify SELECTMULTI(ANY) and include at least one primary or candidate-with-space volume of the data set in the input volume list.
  • Move or delete the data set off the volume you are trying to convert.
Take one of the following actions and rerun the job:
  • Specify SELECTMULTI(FIRST) and include the first volume of the data set in the input volume list. For VSAM data sets, you must include the first volume of the data component in the input volume list.
  • Specify SELECTMULTI(ALL)(this is the default if you do not specify SELECTMULTI) and include all volumes of the data set in the input volume list.
  • Specify SELECTMULTI(ANY) and include at least one primary or candidate-with-space volume of the data set in the input volume list.
  • Move or delete the data set off the volume you are trying to convert.
Change your active control data set so that all the volumes that the data set resides on are defined to the same storage group.
(1) Delete the candidate volumes from the data set’s catalog entry, or (2) change your ACDS so that all the candidate volumes are defined to the same storage group as the volumes on which the data set resides.
See message ADR874E for required action.
(1) Catalog the data set, or (2) move or delete the data set from the volumes that you are trying to convert.
(1) Specify the CATALOG keyword, or (2) recatalog the data set into the standard order of search.
(1) Catalog the data set into the standard order of search, or (2) rename the data set, or (3) move or delete the data set from the volumes that you are trying to convert.
(1) Rename the data set, or (2) move or delete the data set from the volumes that you are trying to convert.
(1) Rename the base cluster, the data or index component, AIX, AIX data or index component, or PATH to be directed to the same catalog as the VSAM base cluster, or (2) delete or add catalog aliases so all parts of the sphere are alias-directed to the same catalog.
Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center.
(1) Make sure that the RESOWNER of the data set is authorized to use the storage or management class derived for the data set, or (2) update the ACS routines to select a different storage or management class for the data set.
See the z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis for an explanation of the listed return and reason codes.
See previous error message associated with the data set for specific action.
Move the data set to another SMS volume.
Ensure that no other jobs are accessing data sets on volumes to be converted, and then rerun the CONVERTV job.
Move or delete the data set from the volume
Move the data set to another SMS volume.
Move the data set to another non-SMS volume.
Rerun the job on a system running DFSMS/MVS Version 1 Release 3 or higher.
Confirm that the checkpointed data set is no longer required for a restart, specify FORCECP with the appropriate days parameter and rerun the job.
  1. Move the data set to another SMS volume.
  2. Delete the data set from the volumes that you are trying to convert.
