(ttt)-mmmmm(yy), SPHERE OF BASE CLUSTER cluster_name IN CATALOG catalog_name IS NOT COMPLETE ON THE DUMP TAPE


DFSMSdss sphere processing detected that not all of the sphere components are on the dump tape. DFSMSdss is unable to locate all of the alternate indexes related to the named base cluster on the dump tape because of errors encountered when the sphere was dumped. If the sphere was pre-allocated, the existing alternate indexes that were not on the dump tape will not reflect the current state of the restored base cluster and will need to be rebuilt. The named catalog is the source catalog of the sphere.

System action

This error is not detected until after the base cluster of the sphere is processed. All alternate indexes on the dump tape are restored, and processing continues with the next data set. The return code is 4.

Operator response


Programmer response

Take the appropriate action:
  • For non-pre-allocated data set RESTORE, check the DFSMSdss messages for the AIXs that were restored, use access method services commands to define the missing AIXs, define paths for them, and build (BLDINDEX) the AIXs.
  • For pre-allocated data set RESTORE, check the DFSMSdss messages for the AIXs that were restored, and use the access method services command BLDINDEX to rebuild the existing alternate indexes that were not restored.
