(ttt)-mmmm(yy), date time USE OF CONCURRENT COPY FAILED [FOR [DATA SET dsname ON] VOLUME volume_serial_number], reason_code. SERIALIZATION WILL BE HELD AND CONCURRENT COPY WILL NOT BE USED. DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION: sdm_rc-sdm_rsn[-reason_code_modifier] sense_data


The initialization of the concurrent copy function did not complete successfully for the specified data set or volume. Any serialization obtained by DFSMSdss on the data will be held. The initialization failure is described by reason code, (reason_code):
Communications between DFSMSdss and the system data mover function could not be established because the real addresses of one or more UCBs were not available. See the previously issued message ADR821W for more information.
The data being dumped or copied does not reside on hardware that supports concurrent copy or SnapShot.
The data being dumped or copied does not reside on hardware that supports cache-based concurrent copy.
The control unit limit of concurrent copy sessions has already been reached, or the control unit cannot support this operation.
The data being dumped or copied does not reside on hardware that supports virtual concurrent copy.
The limit of devices participating in the concurrent copy session that are attached to a given control unit has already been reached.
The host limit of concurrent copy sessions has already been reached.
The system data mover is not available.
Concurrent copy or SnapShot initialization for the PDSE or HFS failed. This could have been caused by the data set being extended multiple times during the concurrent copy or SnapShot initialization.
Concurrent copy or SnapShot cannot be used because of an error condition. The system data mover return code (sdm_rc) and reason code (sdm_rsn) are supplied as diagnostic aids. For explanations of the codes, see System data mover return and reason codes. DFSMSdss provides these codes in hexadecimal format.
SnapShot software support is not available.

The operation will continue as if concurrent copy was not requested for the specified data set or volume. Serialization will be held until the operation is complete.

System action

Processing continues. The return code is 4.

Operator response


Programmer response

If you want the concurrent copy feature to be used, you correct the problem by doing the following:
Resolve the UCB problem and rerun the job.
Ensure that all of the data being dumped or copied resides on hardware that supports concurrent copy or SnapShot.
If CONCURRENT(CACHEREQ) or CONCURRENT(CACHEPREF) was specified, ensure that all of the data set being dumped or copied resides on hardware that supports cache-based concurrent copy.
If the control unit can support the operation, run the job when the system is less active. Otherwise, ensure that the control unit supports concurrent copy.
Reduce the amount of data to be processed in the concurrent copy session, or spread it out across multiple control units.
Run the job at a later time when the system is less active.
Ensure that the system data mover initializes properly when the system is brought up.
Rerun the job at a later time. If the job still fails with the same error message, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, obtain an ABEND user dump on this message and contact the IBM® Support Center.
See the System data mover return and reason codes information for an explanation of return and reason codes.
Install support for SnapShot.



Routing code


Descriptor code