(ttt)-mmmmm(yy), DATA SET dsname WAS NOT SERIALIZED WHEN IT WAS DUMPED. RECOVERY DATA IS (yyyy.ddd hh:mm:ss.t)


The data set was not serialized when it was dumped because the Backup-While-Open (BWO) status in the VVDS indicated that this data set could be dumped without serialization by DFSMSdss if it was already serialized.

The recovery data information for the data set has the following values:
The Julian date (year and days).
The time-stamp in hours, minutes, seconds and tenths of a second.
Recovery data of (***** **:**:**.*) indicates that DFSMSdss could not obtain the recovery data.

System action

Processing continues. If this message was unexpected, the Backup-While-Open (BWO) status have been incorrectly set or left set by an application.

Operator response


Programmer response

Forward recovery be required to use this data set.