(ttt)-mmmmm(yy), DATA SET dsname [IN CATALOG catalog_name] WAS NOT DELETED, reason_code


The data set was not deleted. The reason code (reason_code) contains the following attributes:
It is a VSAM data set. DFSMSdss does not support DELETE for VSAM data sets during a physical data set dump.
I/O or other errors, such as authorization or enqueue failure, occurred on the data set, or no catalog entry was found for the data set.
Either the data set is not a single-volume data set, or it cannot be determined if the data set is single volume or multivolume and it is not presently cataloged.
The data set was not enqueued by DFSMSdss. The enqueue could be held by the initiator.
The data set was not processed. (It is probably an empty data set.)
The data set has not expired by the expiration date. If this return code is received for a data set COPY, the dsname appearing in the message is a temporary name that DFSMSdss generated to properly name the data set on the target volume. You must now delete the data set with the temporary name from the source volume.
The data set could not be exclusively enqueued. If the data set is an HFS or z/OS® File System, it was mounted by another application.

System action

The data set is not deleted. The return code is 8.

Operator response


Programmer response

Delete the data set by other means. For reason code 5, specify PURGE to delete the unexpired data set.
