(xxx)-mmmmm(yy), {R0 COUNT FIELD | INVALID TRACK FORMAT} ERROR ON {INPUT | OUTPUT} VOLUME volume_serial_number cchh operation_code csw sense ecb_status [return_code-reason_code]


Either the cchh track had an invalid track format, or a search ID for R0 on this track failed. If the track was being read with DFSMSdss I/O routines, only the first eight bytes of sense are printed. If the track was being read as part of a concurrent copy operation, 32 bytes of sense and the system data mover return code (return_code) and reason code (reason_code) are supplied as diagnostic aids. See System data mover return and reason codes for explanations of the system data mover return and reason codes. DFSMSdss provides these codes in hexadecimal.

System action

If the R0 count field error is encountered on an input volume and CANCELERROR was specified, the function ends with a return code of 16; otherwise, processing continues and a return code of 4 is set.

If the invalid-track-format condition was encountered on an input volume, all the data that DFSMSdss was able to read from this track is written to the output volume (COPY and DUMP), and the track is marked as having an invalid-track-format condition on the output tape (DUMP only). In this case, the return code is set to 8. If the invalid-track-format condition was encountered on an output volume, the track image that DFSMSdss attempted to write is in error, not the original target track.

Also, this message is issued instead of ADR366W when copying direct data sets when an invalid-track-format error occurs on a write to an output volume if the keyword CANCELERROR has been specified. The COPY or RESTORE of the data set receiving the invalid-track-format error is stopped, and the DFSMSdss-allocated target data set is deleted. Because of the concurrent processing of the output buffers on the WRITEs, as many as three invalid tracks might be written before processing of the data set can be ended (that is, the system might issue three ADR367E messages before ending the copy). The COPY job continues to process any subsequent data sets. If a FULL or TRACKS COPY or RESTORE encounters the invalid-track-format condition, message ADR367E is issued and the task is ended. No subsequent tracks are processed.

Operator response


Programmer response

If the function ends because of the R0 count field error, correct the R0 record using Device Support Facilities and rerun the job. For an invalid-track-format condition, the user needs to reconstruct the track in error after the RESTORE.
